Found 128 matches for "Infocom".
[ICO] Name Path Last modified Size
[   ] All Infocom Adventures (64 column) (Coco 3).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (Coco 3) 2022-10-09 19:36 2.2MB
[   ] All Infocom Adventures (64 column) (CoCoVGA).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (CoCoVGA) 2017-12-26 07:40 2.1MB
[   ] All Infocom Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures 2017-12-26 07:47 2.1MB
[   ] Ballyhoo (Infocom) (64 column) (Coco 3).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (Coco 3) 2022-10-09 19:36 97.3KB
[   ] Ballyhoo (Infocom) (64 column) (CoCoVGA).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (CoCoVGA) 2017-12-26 07:40 97.2KB
[   ] Ballyhoo (Infocom).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures 2014-01-11 07:20 96.9KB
[   ] Cutthroath Walkthrough (Infocom).txt Documents/Walkthroughs/Infocom Adventures 2007-10-30 04:42 4.4KB
[   ] Cutthroats (Infocom) (64 column) (Coco 3).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (Coco 3) 2022-10-09 19:37 83.4KB
[   ] Cutthroats (Infocom) (64 column) (CoCoVGA).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (CoCoVGA) 2017-12-26 07:40 83.5KB
[   ] Cutthroats (Infocom).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures 2014-01-11 07:20 83.0KB
[   ] Deadline (Infocom) (64 column) (Coco 3).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (Coco 3) 2022-10-09 19:37 104.6KB
[   ] Deadline (Infocom) (64 column) (CoCoVGA).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (CoCoVGA) 2017-12-26 07:40 104.7KB
[   ] Deadline (Infocom).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures 2014-01-11 07:20 104.2KB
[   ] Deadline Hints (Infocom).txt Documents/Walkthroughs/Infocom Adventures 2007-10-30 04:44 745
[   ] Deadline Walkthrough (Infocom).txt Documents/Walkthroughs/Infocom Adventures 2007-10-30 04:43 2.2KB
[   ] Enchanter, The (Infocom) (64 column) (Coco 3).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (Coco 3) 2022-10-09 19:37 85.2KB
[   ] Enchanter, The (Infocom) (64 column) (CoCoVGA).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (CoCoVGA) 2017-12-26 07:40 85.2KB
[   ] Enchanter, The (Infocom).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures 2014-01-11 07:20 83.7KB
[   ] Four-In-One Infocom Sampler Disk (Infocom).pdf Documents/Manuals/Games 2022-10-01 20:22 120.6KB
[   ] Four-In-One Sampler (Infocom) (64 column) (Coco 3).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (Coco 3) 2022-10-09 19:37 96.8KB
[   ] Four-In-One Sampler (Infocom) (64 column) (CoCoVGA).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (CoCoVGA) 2022-10-09 07:39 96.4KB
[   ] Four-In-One Sampler (Infocom).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures 2022-10-09 07:42 96.0KB
[   ] Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Infocom) (64 column) (Coco 3).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (Coco 3) 2022-10-09 19:37 88.8KB
[   ] Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Infocom) (64 column) (CoCoVGA).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (CoCoVGA) 2017-12-26 07:40 88.9KB
[   ] Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Infocom).pdf Documents/Manuals/Games 2012-11-28 08:27 1.7MB
[   ] Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Infocom).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures 2017-12-26 07:48 87.9KB
[   ] Hitchhiker Hints (Infocom).txt Documents/Walkthroughs/Infocom Adventures 2007-10-30 04:49 936
[   ] Hitchhiker Walkthrough (Infocom).txt Documents/Walkthroughs/Infocom Adventures 2007-10-30 04:49 23.9KB
[   ] Hollywood Hijinx (Infocom) (64 column) (Coco 3).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (Coco 3) 2022-10-09 19:37 79.4KB
[   ] Hollywood Hijinx (Infocom) (64 column) (CoCoVGA).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (CoCoVGA) 2017-12-26 07:40 79.4KB
[   ] Hollywood Hijinx (Infocom).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures 2017-12-26 07:47 78.8KB
[   ] Infidel (Infocom) (64 column) (Coco 3).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (Coco 3) 2022-10-09 19:37 70.8KB
[   ] Infidel (Infocom) (64 column) (CoCoVGA).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (CoCoVGA) 2017-12-26 07:40 70.9KB
[   ] Infidel (Infocom).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures 2014-01-11 07:20 70.5KB
[   ] Infidel Hints (Infocom).txt Documents/Walkthroughs/Infocom Adventures 2007-10-30 04:50 937
[   ] Infidel Walkthrough (Infocom) (alt).txt Documents/Walkthroughs/Infocom Adventures 2008-09-04 18:23 10.3KB
[   ] Infidel Walkthrough (Infocom).txt Documents/Walkthroughs/Infocom Adventures 2007-10-30 04:50 9.9KB
[   ] Infocom Adventure Games Interpreter Source Code (Infocom).zip Programming/Source/Infocom Adventure Games Interpreter 2018-02-06 19:29 37.7KB
[   ] Infocom Z-Machine interpreter for the MC-10/Software/Games 2024-04-04 04:10 6.7KB
[   ] Leather Goddesses of Phobos (Infocom) (64 column) (Coco 3).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (Coco 3) 2022-10-09 19:39 99.4KB
[   ] Leather Goddesses of Phobos (Infocom) (64 column) (CoCoVGA).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (CoCoVGA) 2017-12-26 07:40 99.3KB
[   ] Leather Goddesses of Phobos (Infocom).pdf Documents/Manuals/Games 2019-07-05 12:20 3.7MB
[   ] Leather Goddesses of Phobos (Infocom).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures 2017-12-26 07:47 98.7KB
[   ] Lurking Horror, The (Infocom) (64 column) (Coco 3).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (Coco 3) 2022-10-09 19:39 100.0KB
[   ] Lurking Horror, The (Infocom) (64 column) (CoCoVGA).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (CoCoVGA) 2017-12-26 07:40 100.1KB
[   ] Lurking Horror, The (Infocom).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures 2014-07-13 09:26 99.2KB
[   ] Mini-ZORK (Infocom) (64 column) (Coco 3).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (Coco 3) 2022-10-09 19:39 43.7KB
[   ] Mini-ZORK (Infocom) (64 column) (CoCoVGA).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (CoCoVGA) 2017-12-26 07:40 43.8KB
[   ] Mini-ZORK (Infocom).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures 2017-12-26 07:47 43.2KB
[   ] Moonmist (Infocom) (64 column) (Coco 3).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (Coco 3) 2022-10-09 19:39 96.3KB
[   ] Moonmist (Infocom) (64 column) (CoCoVGA).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (CoCoVGA) 2017-12-26 07:40 96.3KB
[   ] Moonmist (Infocom).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures 2017-12-26 07:47 95.6KB
[   ] Planetfall (Infocom) (64 column) (Coco 3).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (Coco 3) 2022-10-09 19:39 83.2KB
[   ] Planetfall (Infocom) (64 column) (CoCoVGA).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (CoCoVGA) 2017-12-26 07:40 83.2KB
[   ] Planetfall (Infocom).pdf Documents/Manuals/Games 2019-07-05 12:21 4.7MB
[   ] Planetfall (Infocom).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures 2014-01-11 07:20 82.9KB
[   ] Planetfall walkthrough (Infocom).txt Documents/Walkthroughs/Infocom Adventures 2019-07-12 10:14 7.0KB
[   ] Plundered Hearts (Infocom) (64 column) (Coco 3).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (Coco 3) 2022-10-09 19:39 100.4KB
[   ] Plundered Hearts (Infocom) (64 column) (CoCoVGA).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (CoCoVGA) 2017-12-26 07:40 100.4KB
[   ] Plundered Hearts (Infocom).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures 2017-12-26 07:47 99.7KB
[   ] Sea Stalker (Infocom) (64 column) (Coco 3).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (Coco 3) 2022-10-09 19:40 87.3KB
[   ] Sea Stalker (Infocom) (64 column) (CoCoVGA).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (CoCoVGA) 2017-12-26 07:40 87.4KB
[   ] Sea Stalker (Infocom).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures 2021-10-17 11:25 86.6KB
[   ] SeaStalker - Infocards (Infocom).pdf Documents/Manuals/Games 2012-11-28 08:32 1.6MB
[   ] SeaStalker - Logbook (Infocom).pdf Documents/Manuals/Games 2012-11-28 08:32 4.9MB
[   ] SeaStalker - Reference Card (Infocom).pdf Documents/Manuals/Games 2012-11-28 08:32 224.1KB
[   ] Seastalker FAQ-Walkthrough (Infocom).txt Documents/Walkthroughs/Infocom Adventures 2007-11-02 16:10 12.1KB
[   ] Seastalker Folio Back (Infocom).jpg Documents/Manuals/Games 2012-11-28 08:32 338.0KB
[   ] Seastalker Folio Front (Infocom).jpg Documents/Manuals/Games 2012-11-28 08:32 362.2KB
[   ] Seastalker Hints (Infocom).txt Documents/Walkthroughs/Infocom Adventures 2007-10-30 14:53 746
[   ] Seastalker Walkthrough (Infocom) (alt).txt Documents/Walkthroughs/Infocom Adventures 2008-09-04 17:58 10.6KB
[   ] Seastalker Walkthrough (Infocom).txt Documents/Walkthroughs/Infocom Adventures 2007-10-30 14:52 10.6KB
[   ] Sorcerer (Infocom) (64 column) (Coco 3).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (Coco 3) 2022-10-09 19:40 83.6KB
[   ] Sorcerer (Infocom) (64 column) (CoCoVGA).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (CoCoVGA) 2017-12-26 07:40 83.6KB
[   ] Sorcerer (Infocom).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures 2014-01-11 07:20 88.1KB
[   ] Spellbreaker (Infocom) (64 column) (Coco 3).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (Coco 3) 2022-10-09 19:40 98.8KB
[   ] Spellbreaker (Infocom) (64 column) (CoCoVGA).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (CoCoVGA) 2017-12-26 07:40 98.8KB
[   ] Spellbreaker (Infocom).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures 2014-01-11 07:20 98.2KB
[   ] Spellbreaker Walkthrough (Infocom).txt Documents/Walkthroughs/Infocom Adventures 2007-10-30 14:47
[   ] StarCross (Infocom) (64 column) (Coco 3).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (Coco 3) 2022-10-09 19:40 72.1KB
[   ] StarCross (Infocom) (64 column) (CoCoVGA).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (CoCoVGA) 2017-12-26 07:40 72.1KB
[   ] StarCross (Infocom).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures 2014-01-11 07:20 71.6KB
[   ] StarCross Hints (Infocom).txt Documents/Walkthroughs/Infocom Adventures 2007-10-30 14:50 1.3KB
[   ] StarCross Walkthrough (Infocom).txt Documents/Walkthroughs/Infocom Adventures 2007-10-30 14:49 10.0KB
[   ] Stationfall (Infocom) (64 column) (Coco 3).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (Coco 3) 2022-10-09 19:40 100.9KB
[   ] Stationfall (Infocom) (64 column) (CoCoVGA).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (CoCoVGA) 2017-12-26 07:40 100.8KB
[   ] Stationfall (Infocom).pdf Documents/Manuals/Games 2019-07-05 12:21 2.4MB
[   ] Stationfall (Infocom).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures 2014-01-11 07:20 100.3KB
[   ] Stationfall Walkthrough (Infocom).txt Documents/Walkthroughs/Infocom Adventures 2007-10-30 14:51 5.3KB
[   ] Suspect (Infocom) (64 column) (Coco 3).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (Coco 3) 2022-10-09 19:41 90.7KB
[   ] Suspect (Infocom) (64 column) (CoCoVGA).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (CoCoVGA) 2017-12-26 07:40 90.7KB
[   ] Suspect (Infocom).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures 2014-01-11 07:20 88.8KB
[   ] Suspended (Infocom) (64 column) (Coco 3).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (Coco 3) 2022-10-09 19:41 75.2KB
[   ] Suspended (Infocom) (64 column) (CoCoVGA).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (CoCoVGA) 2017-12-26 07:40 75.2KB
[   ] Suspended (Infocom).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures 2017-12-26 07:47 74.5KB
[   ] Suspended Walkthrough (Infocom).txt Documents/Walkthroughs/Infocom Adventures 2008-09-04 18:23 7.7KB
[   ] The Enchanter Hints (Infocom).txt Documents/Walkthroughs/Infocom Adventures 2007-10-30 04:48 1.1KB
[   ] The Enchanter Walkthrough (Infocom).txt Documents/Walkthroughs/Infocom Adventures 2007-10-30 04:47 11.5KB
[   ] The Lurking Horror Walkthrough (Infocom).txt Documents/Walkthroughs/Infocom Adventures 2007-10-30 14:47 4.2KB
[   ] The Witness Walkthrough (Infocom).txt Documents/Walkthroughs/Infocom Adventures 2008-09-04 18:23 1.8KB
[   ] Wishbringer (Infocom) (64 column) (Coco 3).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (Coco 3) 2022-10-09 19:41 96.7KB
[   ] Wishbringer (Infocom) (64 column) (CoCoVGA).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (CoCoVGA) 2017-12-26 07:40 96.5KB
[   ] Wishbringer (Infocom).pdf Documents/Manuals/Games 2019-07-05 12:18 3.2MB
[   ] Wishbringer (Infocom).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures 2014-07-13 09:26 95.9KB
[   ] Wishbringer Walkthrough (Infocom).TXT Documents/Walkthroughs/Infocom Adventures 2008-09-06 07:17 11.3KB
[   ] Witness, The (Infocom) (64 column) (Coco 3).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (Coco 3) 2022-10-09 19:41 77.4KB
[   ] Witness, The (Infocom) (64 column) (CoCoVGA).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (CoCoVGA) 2017-12-26 07:40 77.6KB
[   ] Witness, The (Infocom).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures 2014-01-11 07:20 77.1KB
[   ] Zork I (Infocom) (64 column) (Coco 3).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (Coco 3) 2022-10-09 19:41 132.1KB
[   ] Zork I (Infocom) (64 column) (CoCoVGA).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (CoCoVGA) 2017-12-26 07:40 66.4KB
[   ] Zork I (Infocom) (alt).pdf Documents/Manuals/Games 2019-07-05 12:16 2.9MB
[   ] Zork I (Infocom).pdf Documents/Manuals/Games 2019-07-16 10:39 9.3MB
[   ] Zork I (Infocom).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures 2014-01-11 07:20 65.9KB
[   ] Zork I Hints (Infocom).txt Documents/Walkthroughs/Infocom Adventures 2007-10-30 04:46 1.6KB
[   ] Zork II (Infocom) (64 column) (Coco 3).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (Coco 3) 2022-10-09 19:41 99.9KB
[   ] Zork II (Infocom) (64 column) (CoCoVGA).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (CoCoVGA) 2017-12-26 07:40 100.0KB
[   ] Zork II (Infocom).pdf Documents/Manuals/Games 2019-07-05 12:16 3.5MB
[   ] Zork II (Infocom).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures 2014-01-11 07:20 99.5KB
[   ] Zork II Hints (Infocom).txt Documents/Walkthroughs/Infocom Adventures 2007-10-30 04:46 1.7KB
[   ] Zork III (Infocom) (64 column) (Coco 3).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (Coco 3) 2022-10-09 19:41 65.0KB
[   ] Zork III (Infocom) (64 column) (CoCoVGA).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures/64 column (CoCoVGA) 2017-12-26 07:40 65.1KB
[   ] Zork III (Infocom).pdf Documents/Manuals/Games 2019-07-05 12:17 2.8MB
[   ] Zork III (Infocom).zip Disks/Games/Infocom Adventures 2014-01-11 07:20 64.6KB
[   ] Zork III Hints (Infocom).txt Documents/Walkthroughs/Infocom Adventures 2007-10-30 04:45 1.1KB
[   ] Zork III Walkthrough (Infocom).txt Documents/Walkthroughs/Infocom Adventures 2007-10-30 04:41 10.9KB
[   ] Zork II Walkthrough (Infocom) (alt).txt Documents/Walkthroughs/Infocom Adventures 2008-09-06 07:17 4.9KB
[   ] Zork II Walkthrough (Infocom).txt Documents/Walkthroughs/Infocom Adventures 2007-10-30 04:40 11.3KB
[   ] Zork I Walkthrough (Infocom).txt Documents/Walkthroughs/Infocom Adventures 2007-10-30 04:39 13.6KB