* * * Hitchhiker * * * 1. The Babel Fish 2. The Dark 3. The Spare Drive 4. The Bugblatter 5. Zaphod & the HOG 6. The Screening Door 7. Opening the Hatch 1. Bring some junk along with you, and put it somewhere! 2. You have five senses; count while you wait! 3. Too many connections make for sparks! 4. Consult the Guide about the Bugblatter. Do some sharp thinking about the memorial, and don't throw in the towel! 5. Have you forgotten Trillian? Isn't she holding something? 6. Consult the Guide about intelligence. What happens when you pick up the real tea? 7. Marvin can do the job with the proper tool. The solution is a fruity one, and that's no fluff!