Modified ROM images for use with Russ Le Blang's Return of Coco v0.83a. The following ROM images are included: coco.rom Hardware initialisation routine modified for use with Return of Coco v0.83a cocoe.rom Supported by Return of Coco v0.83a cocoedisk10.rom Cocoe with disk BASIC coco2.rom Supported by Return of Coco v0.83a coco2disk11.rom Coco2 with disk BASIC coco2b.rom Hardware initialisation routine modified for use with Return of Coco v0.83a coco2bdisk11.rom Coco2b with disk BASIC coco2c.rom Same as Coco2 but with modified BASIC keyboard routine to swap the <\> and (Coco Shift+@) keys coco2cdisk11.rom Coco2c with disk BASIC cp400.rom Supported by Return of Coco v0.83a cp400disk.rom CP400 with disk BASIC cp400e.rom Hardware initialisation routine modified for use with Return of Coco v0.83a cp400edisk.rom CP400e with disk BASIC Coco3.rom Hardware initialisation routine modified for use with Return of Coco v0.83a The modified Coco III ROM image (coco3.rom) will now work with most emulators that give Coco 1/2/3 hardware emulation. The ROM Images in the "CocoUK" folder are the same as above but with extra code added to the BASIC keyboard routine to map the keyboard for use with British (UK) keyboards when used with Return of Coco v0.83a. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: ROM images are copyrighted material. Please use only the ROM images of machines you own. Do not distribute ROM images together with any of the emulators.