=============================================================================== FAQ/Walkthrough for SPACE QUEST II: VOHAUL'S REVENGE =============================================================================== GUIDE INFORMATION Author: Tom Hayes E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com System: PC Updated: 2nd April, 2006 Version: 1.1 CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Walkthrough 3. Item List 4. Point List 5. Copyright Information VERSION HISTORY 1.1: 2nd Apr, 2006 (Format update) 1.0: 26th Jan, 2000 (First version) =============================================================================== 1. Introduction =============================================================================== In the original game, Roger Wilco sucessfully travelled to the starship Deltaur and defeated a vicious enemy named Sludge Vohaul. In Space Quest II, Vohaul has moved from the Deltaur to his new home on an asteroid, where he waits for Wilco. Before Wilco gets to the asteroid he gets kidnapped by aliens and taken to the mysterious forest planet of Labion, where he must navigate through the maze of a strange plant, find his way through a murky swamp, and avoid a monster while swinging on a vine at the bottom of a cliff. =============================================================================== 2. Walkthrough =============================================================================== XENON ORBITAL STATION 4 "Look watch". "C". Press F10 to put away the watch. Walk into the red airlock on the ceiling. Walk over to the left suit. "Get suit". Walk over to the lockers. "Open locker". "Get cube". "Get jockstrap". West. Walk onto the platform and walk into the transport tube. Walk into the ship. Wilco will be kidnapped and the ship will crash on the planet Labion. LABION "Get keycard". Walk over to the ship. "Push button". North. Hide behind the big tree and wait here until the enemy ship passes over. Go up the hill and go to the west. Walk to the mail box. "Mail order form". "Get whistle". Fall off the cliff. Save the game. Walk carefully over to the spores. "Get spores". North. Walk carefully through the maze, saving each time you get to a safe spot. When you get out of the maze, head over to the berry bush. "Get berries". Walk back through the maze. East. East. "Untie rope". West. Go up the hill and go east. Go near the edge of the swamp. "Rub berries on self". East. Walk over to the deep part of the swamp (the part where Wilco first starts to swim). "Take a breath". Quickly follow the underground tunnel until you get to the cave with the gem in it. Get out of the water and stand near the gem. "Get gem". Get back in the water. "Take breath". Quickly follow the underground tunnel until you arrive at the swamp again. East. East. "Climb tree". East. Try and move east, but Wilco will get caught up in a trap and a hunter will catch him. "Call hunter". "Call hunter". "Throw spore". "Get key". "Unlock door". "Open door". Get out of the cage. "Get rope". North. West. West. "Get on log". Move to the center of the log and type "tie rope to log". "Climb down rope". Climb down to the bottom of the rope. "Swing". Save the game. When the monster tries to grab for you, swing over to the left and press (6) to land on the side where the cave is. West. Walk to a dark part of the cave and type "hold gem". West. "Get gem". South. "Say the word". Go down the ladder. "Put gem in mouth". Climb down ladder to the bottom to enter a maze. Go Right. Go down the first ladder. Go right at the first tunnel. Go down the first ladder. Go right at the first tunnel. Go down the first ladder. Take the second left tunnel. Go left. Take the 3rd ladder down. Go right. Go right to exit the maze. East. Take the right fork to get sucked down the whirlpool. Swim east. Stay in the water and type "blow whistle". Type "throw cube at monster", but don't press return. Get out of the water and quickly press enter. Walk to the hole in the boulder and type "get rock". North. "Sling rock at guard". Walk up to the elevator. "Put keycard in slot". Enter the elevator. Walk to bottom-left corner of the ship and type "open ship". "Push power button". "Turn dial". "Push thruster button". "Pull lever". Press any key. Wait, and a message should pop up saying that you have left the planet. Press any key. "Turn dial". "Pull lever". After a while, you will arrive on Sludge Vohaul's asteroid. SLUDGE VOHAUL'S ASTEROID East. Enter the elevator. "Level three". East. East. East. "Push button". Enter the door. "Get plunger". Exit the door. East. East. Enter the elevator. "Level four". West. West. "Push button". Enter the door. "Get glass cutter". Exit the door. West. "Push button". Enter the washroom. Walk up to the toilet door. "Open door". "Get paper". Exit the washroom. West. West. Enter the elevator. "Level five". Exit the elevator. East. East. "Push button". Enter the door. "Get basket". "Put paper in basket". "Get overalls". "Get lighter". Exit the room. West. West. Enter the elevator. "Level one". Exit the elevator. West. Go down the stairs to the south. Walk right (a barrier comes down). Walk left (another barrier comes down). The floor starts moving, revealing a bubbling pit of acid below). Wait until the pit of acid gets close to Wilco, and then type "put plunger on wall". When the floor is safe again, type "let go of plunger". "Drop basket". "Set fire to basket". East. East. Walk up the stairs to Vohaul. "Cut glass with glass cutter". Walk over to the vent and type "enter vent". Walk over to the red button and type "push button". Walk over to the vent and type "exit vent". West. "Pull switch". Stand on the keyboard. "Type enlarge". East. Return to the glass jar. "Search Vohaul". "Look monitor". Type "SHSR". Press (6) to exit the screen. Walk carefully up the stairs. Walk up to the red box and type "get mask". "Wear mask". Walk along the tube to the corridor. East. East. East. East. East. East. East. Type "push button" but don't press enter yet. East. Walk up to the first pod you see and press enter, and the robot should start following. West. West. West. West. The robot will have stopped following. East. East. East. Type "enter pod", but don't press enter yet. East. Quickly walk up to the first pod and press enter. "Push button". "Look". Walk over to the sleep chamber. "Open sleep chamber". "Get in sleep chamber" to complete the game. =============================================================================== 3. Item List =============================================================================== BASKET Found on level five of Sludge Vohaul's asteroid. The basket is used to set off the sprinkler system. BERRIES Found on the bush at the other side of the maze on Labion. They are used on Wilco to avoid the monster in the swamp. CUBE Found in the locker of the airlock on Xenon Orbital Station 4. It is thrown at the monster after exiting the pool on Labion. GEM Found in the cave under the swamp. It is put in Wilco's mouth to light the tunnel maze in Labion. GLASS CUTTER Found on level four of Sludge Vohaul's asteroid. It is used to cut the glass container near Vohaul. JOCKSTRAP Found in the locker of the airlock on Xenon Orbital Station 4. It is used to sling the rock at the guard on Labion. KEY The hunter drops the key when the spore hits him. It is used to unlock the door of the cage. KEYCARD Found on the guard after landing on Labion. It is used in the slope of the elevator on Labion. LIGHTER Found on level five of Sludge Vohaul's asteroid. It is used to set fire to the basket. MASK Found in the tunnel after Sludge Vohaul has been defeated. It is used to walk to the other side of the tunnel. OVERALLS Found on level five of Sludge Vohaul's asteroid. PAPER Found in the washroom on level four of Sludge Vohaul's asteroid. It is used in the basket. PLUNGER Found on level three of Sludge Vohaul's asteroid. It is used on the wall to avoid the pit of acid. ROCK Found in the hole in the boulder created by the monster. It is used to hit the guard on the bridge. ROPE Found outside the cage near the hunter. It is used to climb down the log on Labion. SPORES Found near the mail box on Labion. They are thrown at the hunter from the cage. SUIT Found in the airlock on Xenon Orbital Station 4. It is used to walk outside the station. WHISTLE Found after mailing the order form on Labion. It is blown in the pool before the monster on Labion. =============================================================================== 4. Point List =============================================================================== TOTAL POINTS ACTION 1 1 Receive the message from the watch. 2 1 Enter the airlock. 3 1 Get the suit. 4 1 Get the cube. 5 1 Get the jockstrap. 10 5 Enter the ship. 13 3 Get the keycard. 14 1 Push the button on the ship. 19 5 Hide from the hovercraft. 21 2 Mail the order form. 23 2 Get the whistle. 27 4 Get the spore. 31 4 Get the berries. 35 4 Leave the maze. 40 5 Untie the rope. 43 3 Rub berries on self. 45 2 Take a breath (for the first time). 47 2 Swim to the gem room. 50 3 Get the gem. 52 2 Take a breath (for the second time). 55 3 Climb the tree. 60 5 Throw the spore at the hunter. 62 2 Get the key. 64 2 Get the rope. 66 2 Tie the rope to the log. 68 2 Swing on the rope. 73 5 Jump from the rope to the cave area. 75 2 Hold the gem. 76 1 Get the gem. 79 3 Say the word. 99 20 Leave the maze. 104 5 Get sucked down waterfall. 109 5 Blow the whistle. 119 10 Throw the puzzle at the monster. 121 2 Get the rock. 141 20 Sling the rock at the guard. 146 5 Put the keycard in the slot. 166 20 Get off of the planet. 167 1 Get the plunger. 168 1 Get the glass cutter. 169 1 Get the paper. 170 1 Get the lighter. 171 1 Get the basket. 172 1 Put the paper in the basket. 182 10 Put the plunger on the wall. 192 10 Let go of the plunger. 193 1 Drop the basket. 203 10 Set fire to the basket. 208 5 Cut the glass with the glass cutter. 218 10 Push the button (in the vent). 228 10 Enter the code 'SHSR'. 230 2 Get the mask. 240 10 Enter the pod. 250 10 Get in the sleep chamber. =============================================================================== 5. Copyright Information =============================================================================== This document is Copyright 2000-2006 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of this document can be found at www.gamefaqs.com.