-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ******** ** ** ******* ** ** **//////** /** /** /**////** /** /** ** // ****** /** /** /** /** ** ** ******/** /** /** **////** /** ****** /******* /** /** **//// /****** /** /** *****/** /** /** **///** /**///** /** /**//***** /**///** /** //** ////**/** /** /**/** /** /** //** /** /** /////**/** /** /// //******** //****** ***//****** /** //**//****** ****** /** /** /** //////// ////// /// ////// // // ////// ////// // // /// FAQ/Walkthrough PC 1988 Version: FINAL released on the 8th July 2005 Author: odino This guide is EXCLUSIVELY available at GameFAQs. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= TABLE OF CONTENTS ============================================================================== 01.) Introduction | G0100 | 02.) Overview & Controls | G0200 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03.) Walkthrough | G0300 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04.) Point List | G0400 | 05.) Review | G0500 | 06.) Credits & Thanks | G0600 | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ============================================================================== 01.) INTRODUCTION G0100 ============================================================================== Welcome to Gold Rush! for the PC, a classic adventure game by Sierra released in 1988. The walkthrough for this game is complete and includes a point list for all routes. By following the walkthrough you will also get all points in the game. If you spot any errors or have suggestions please feel free to e-mail me about it. Enjoy! ============================================================================== 02.) OVERVIEW & CONTROLS G0200 ============================================================================== There are three paths you can chose to get to California. Use the ship to travel there via Panama or Cape Horn, or use the land route. Each route will join back in California but you need to make different arrangements for your travels. The land route is easy (2 out of 10), the Panama route is moderately challenging (7 out of 10) and the Cape Horn route is tough (9 out of 10). Many things in this game are random, however. This game is timed. Check the elapsed time to see how far along the game is. The time is important and affects certain things: -14 minutes into the game the Gold Rush starts. This means money is less valuable, items and houses lose value and prices skyrocket. You must complete all your tasks in Brooklyn before that happens. -18 minutes into the game the steamship departs so if you want to take the route via Panama or Cape Horn you must be on the ship by then. A note on the timing. I have noticed that in my version the time stops when switching the speed to anything but normal. Thus on fast the time will pause but you can still continue doing your tasks. When you need to wait a certain amount of time then this is obviously not good so you need to switch back to normal for the time being. I don't know if this trick will work for you but if it does I would certainly make good use of it. Just keep in mind if something doesn't take place such as the letter arriving or a buyer appearing you forgot to turn the time back on. Whether or not this is a bug is unclear. F1 = Help F2 = Sound On/Off F3 = ReType F4 = Score On/Off F5 = Save F6 = Elapsed Time F7 = Load F8 = Exit views/Disable messages on journeys F9 = Restart F10 = Pause Game Alt+Z = Quit Tab = Inventory Ctrl+N = Next Scene All parser commands are in CAPS, e.g. TAKE BOOK means you should take a book. The number in the ()s is the amount of points you get during the game. If there is a difference in points allocation depending on your path then it will be shown as (x / x / x) where the routes are (Panama / Cape Horn / Land). All the points for each route are listed again in the point list for a better overview. There are 250 points possible for 2 paths and 255 for another - the maximum score counter will change once you are on route to Panama so this is not a glitch. Walking on the grass in Brooklyn is a 1 point penalty each time, don't do it! ============================================================================== 03.) WALKTHROUGH G0300 ============================================================================== ___Brooklyn___ Walk south. UNLOCK GATE and UNLOCK DOOR, then go inside. LOOK BOOK (2) on the table, TAKE PHOTO (4). At the desk, CLOSE DESK and TAKE STATEMENT (2). READ STATEMENT (2) and remember/note down the random account number the game gives you. Now leave and SELL HOUSE. Wait in front of the gate for a buyer to come along and talk to you. Say YES to the offer (9). (If nobody arrives to buy the house, try switching from normal to fast or the other way around.) Go west and walk into the pavilion without treading on the grass. TAKE FLOWERS (2) and LOOK CRACK. Keep looking at different places until you see a gold coin which you want to TAKE COIN (4). Walk east and south and enter the building in the center. Talk to the boss in the bottom left office to QUIT (2). Go upstairs in the back and into your office at the top right. READ CLIPPINGS (3). Exit the news agency. Return to the previous screen east and enter the post office. If you see a letter in the bottom left pigeonhole then you have mail. If you aren't sure which one you better ask anyway. RING the bell and TAKE MAIL (5). If there is no letter for you, you will have to wait some time longer outside the post office. Return and ask again. Once you have the letter, LOOK POSTMARK (1), TAKE STAMP (1). OPEN LETTER and READ LETTER. Exit the post office and go north. Enter the bank. Walk up to the teller and ask to TAKE MONEY (3). Tell him the account number you found earlier. Exit the bank with the cash. Go north and turn left into the warehouse. At the entrance support pillar is a poster. LOOK POSTER (2). Exit the warehouse. Walk south thrice and east into the main area of the cemetery. There is only one family grave at the top left so walk up to it and READ GRAVE at the left (1) and right (1) stone. PUT FLOWERS (3) and leave the cemetery the way you came in and left to the screen with the newspaper building. If you don't want to do this all over again for your next route, make a separate save here. Now chose your path: Panama, Cape Horn or by Land! Each route will end up in California. ___Panama Route___ Go north. Walk east three times and wait in front of the gate. When the man appears, BUY TICKET. Say YES and the route is PANAMA. Say YES and PAY (9). Return west past the news agency and go north. Enter Rand's hardware store and wait at the counter for him to appear. BUY NET (4) and leave. Go east until you reach the bank and north onto the ship. Wait on it until departure for Panama, 18 minutes into the game or simply SHOW TICKET to depart after the gold rush has started (14 minutes). After half of your journey is complete the game will switch to the jungle. When the natives threaten you, answer YES (4). When you finally re-gain control, walk up to the man at the tree and TALK MAN (7). Continue on the path up to the vine. There will be killer ants coming so quickly JUMP VINE (4) and wait for them to leave to LET GO. Continue on to the next screen. The path splits into four but it is very hard to see. The lower one has a killer plant and the second from bottom a snake. The other two are safe but the third from bottom yields less points. Take the most northern one by always staying at the top of the screen. Half way across the screen you will hit something. TAKE DISK (10). Continue into the next screen (5). Save and walk across without dying. At random an alligator will waltz in and eat you and there is nothing you can do about it but reload. The safe path starts out somewhere at the bottom and half way across you should go north and then continue right to land. Once you make it across and into the next screen the journey to Sacramento will commence (10). When you have arrived, save your game and go into the stagecoach office just right off the center road. You won't actually switch screens but your small character will be inside the building. LOOK SCHEDULE and if you missed the only stagecoach then reload and try again. If it's about to leave GET ON to depart to Sutter's Fort (1). ___Cape Horn Route___ Go north. Walk east three times and wait in front of the gate. When the man appears, BUY TICKET. Say YES and the route is CAPE. Say YES and PAY (9). Return west past the news agency and go north. Enter the grocery store and BUY FRUIT (4) from the clerk, then exit the shop. Go east until you reach the bank and north onto the ship. Save now and do not save again on the ship until told it is ok as random events may screw you over. Wait until departure at 18 minutes into the game or simply SHOW TICKET to leave after the gold rush has started (14 minutes). First thing to do on the ship is walk right and TALK MAN reading the book. Random events that can occur are you dying of cholera or the ship sinking. If any of these happen you need to restore a save game back in Brooklyn. I suggest surpressing the messages (F8) and skipping scenes up to the storm unless this is the first time you play and want to read the messages. Believe me, your chance of death on this journey is high. After the storm and you are nearing the northern continent again and get the last chance to do things on the ship. Save on a separate slot and walk into the captain's cabin to TAKE CLIP (3). Go down the ladder to the right and walk into the right screen to TAKE STICK (3). Go back up the ladder and right into the kitchen. TAKE HAM (3) and continue right to the engine room. TAKE SCRAP (3) here and TAKE STRING (3) in the sleeping cabin. Return all the way up and stand at the stern of the boat. Start to FISH (8) and wait. If you are too weak to reel in the caught fish then reload from the latest saved state and maybe try finding the items quicker. You can also try collecting items once the storm has begun but you risk losing them all in a crash. If all goes well you will catch the fish (5) and end up in California soon. When you have arrived, save your game and go into the stagecoach office just right off the center road. You won't actually switch screens but your small character will be inside the building. LOOK SCHEDULE and if you missed the only stagecoach then reload and try again. If it's about to leave GET ON to depart to Sutter's Fort (1). ___Land Route___ Walk west twice and enter the Stagecoach office. BUY TICKET at the counter, say YES to his question and PAY (9). Exit the office and go east to the livery stables. SHOT TICKET (2) to the young boy in the white shirt after he comes out. Walk over to the front of the stagecoach door and GET ON (2). Once you arrive in Independence, walk east and TALK MAN reading the book (5). Return west and TALK CAPTAIN standing in the group of three. GIVE MONEY (2) and go south. At the man watching the animals, BUY ANIMALS and chose MATURE OXEN (5). Return and TALK CAPTAIN. Go north around the tents and LOOK GRASS. Keep looking at the grass until it is growing green and beginning to dry: "Your keen eye has noticed that the plains are growing greener everyday. The mud is beginning to dry." The screen won't actually change so you just need to wait and type again after a short while. Go back south and TALK CAPTAIN to depart (7). On your travels there are only few random events. If you chose the correct animals and time as above you should only worry about fall into the Kansas river. In this case, reload just before you depart. Soon you will reach a steep hill. UNHITCH TEAM (4), wait for the animals to come back and LOCK WHEELS (4) to continue your journey west. After some more scenery you will be in the desert. Walk up to the abandoned wagon and OPEN BARREL. DRINK WATER (4) and TAKE MEAT (4). Catch up with your companions west and soon you will reach Sutter's Fort. ___California___ The directions for Sutter's Fort are kind of tricky so it's best you explore by yourself and find your way around. Just note that the stable is outside the fort on the right and that the shop is entered a screen near the graveyard where you see a couple of staircases on the left and a door on the right. After entering the fort, go right and TALK MAN at the blacksmith. Answer his questions with: YEA YEA WILSON JERROD JAKE (2) Go to the graveyard, from the blacksmith's that would be down, down, left and, up and READ GRAVES (2). The one you are looking for should be dead center. USE LETTER in this view and move the holes around. The correct placing is where the left most hole is at the 'o' of 'mourned' (5). READ PSALM 23 (5). Go back into the fort SOUTH and enter the store. BUY PAN and GIVE COIN (1). Walk east along the river and follow it for at least ten screens so you are ten miles away from Sutter's Fort. Now PAN in the river until you find gold fifty times (50). Note that you will be hung for panning at somebody else's claimed land and each screen has a limit for finding gold. You don't have to continue going east because the scenery changes when you return to a previous area. Thus, panning in between screen 11E and 12E will be enough and shorten the return trip. Finally, the game won't tell you if you have found gold fifty times so either keep score or notice that a screen did not yield any results at all. When done, return to the fort but don't get robbed on the way. Walk to the store and BUY LANTERN, GIVE GOLD (1). BUY SHOVEL and GIVE GOLD (1). Go to the mule trader and BUY MULE. GIVE GOLD and TAKE MULE (3). Walk to the blacksmith but be careful when you enter so the mule stays at the door and doesn't run off. HEAT IRON and BRAND MULE (3). Now take it to the stable outside and LEAVE MULE in the fenced area to the south. LOOK BRAND of the other mules until you see other branded mule of yours. You want the stubborn one so TAKE MULE and leave the stable (7). Leave the fort and walk east along river without losing your mule in the scenery. Staying close to the river should avoid all trees and just make this a straight line through each screen. Pass the sawmill and the two guys sawing and you'll be in town. Go south and east and TIE MULE in front of the hotel and go inside. Attempt to BOOK ROOM ELEVEN, then answer YES to his question. Go upstairs and KNOCK on the door of room 11. GIVE MESSAGE (3) to the man and go inside. Don't take too long in room 11. You are safe in room 12, however. TURN WHEEL (5) on the cannon at the fireplace and ENTER FIREPLACE. TAKE MAGNET (1) and TAKE NOTE (1) from the table. TAKE STRING (1) as well. UNLATCH WINDOW and OPEN WINDOW. When the bird has arrived, PUT PHOTOGRAPH IN CAPSULE (3) and wait for it to return. TAKE AEROGRAM (1) and READ AEROGRAM. CLIMB THROUGH WINDOW and shimmy left. Time your way past the man in the room and then walk into the door at the front of the hotel. Exit and TAKE MULE. Leave the city to the west and after a few screens FOLLOW MULE (7) and simply follow it across the countryside. Don't get stuck in the scenery but even though it looks like the mule is getting far ahead you should still be on it's tail until you reach the cabin. Go inside the cabin. TAKE MATCHES (1) on the table. Exit the cabin and go into the outhouse by walking zigzag through the bushes. Inside the outhouse, ENTER HOLE and say YES to the question (3). LIGHT LANTERN. From now on you must be quick or get stuck in darkness and most likely fall to your death. At the door, TIE STRING TO MAGNET (2), PUT MAGNET IN HOLE (2), LOWER MAGNET (2), PULL STRING (2) and finally UNLOCK DOOR (1). Climb down the ladder, go west and climb down the next ladder too. TAKE PICK (1). Start USE PICK (1) on the walls here and TAKE GOLD (1). Climb back up to the previous corridor and USE PICK (3) until you find three gold spots and TAKE GOLD (3) each time. Climb the ladder on the left all the way up and TAKE GOLD (1). Slightly further down is a black ledge which you can walk on to your left. USE PICK (3) to find three spots and TAKE GOLD each time (3) as well as TAKE GOLD (1) from the floor from now on when you come across until the end of the cave (5). Go down the ladder at the end and USE PICK (2) and TAKE GOLD (2) twice. After a few ladders which are very dangerous you will find your brother. USE PICK between the gold pieces three times (3). Now TAKE GOLD for all five nuggets you see (5). Continue USE PICK at this spot until the hole is large enough to CLIMB THROUGH HOLE (6 / 6 / 7). Enjoy the short ending! ============================================================================== 04.) POINT LIST G0400 ============================================================================== /-----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Panama: Cape Horn: Land: | | | | BROOKLYN: | | | | Look at the book in your house 2 2 2 | | Take the photo from the book 4 4 4 | | Take the bank statement 2 2 2 | | Read the bank statement 2 2 2 | | Sell the house to the buyer 9 9 9 | | Take flowers from the pavilion 2 2 2 | | Take the coin from the pavilion 4 4 4 | | Quit the job 2 2 2 | | Read the clippings in your office 3 3 3 | | Take the letter in the post office 5 5 5 | | Look at the letter's postmark 1 1 1 | | Take the stamp 1 1 1 | | Take the money from the bank 3 3 3 | | Read the grave stone 1 1 1 | | Read the grave stone 1 1 1 | | Put the flowers on the graves 3 3 3 | | Look at the warehouse poster 2 2 2 | | | | PANAMA ROUTE: | | | | Buy a ticket to Panama 9 | | Buy a net at the hardware store 4 | | Give the natives your wealth 4 | | Receive the bible 7 | | Jump on the vine 4 | | Take the disk 10 | | Pass the northern jungle path 5 | | Pass the lake 10 | | Get on the stagecoach in Sacramento 1 | | | | CAPE HORN ROUTE: | | | | Buy a ticket to Cape Horn 9 | | Buy fruit 4 | | Receive the bible 7 | | Take the paper clip 3 | | Take the shovel handle 3 | | Take the ham 3 | | Take the scrap metal 3 | | Take the string 3 | | Fish 8 | | Reel in the caught fish 5 | | Get on the stagecoach in Sacramento 1 | | | | LAND ROUTE: | | | | Buy a ticket for the stagecoach 9 | | Show the ticket at the livery stables 2 | | Get on the stagecoach in Brooklyn 2 | | Receive the bible 5 | | Give money to the captain 2 | | Buy mature oxen 5 | | Depart from Independence 7 | | Unhitch the team 4 | | Lock the wheels 4 | | Drink from the barrel in the desert 4 | | Eat the ham in the desert 4 | | | | CALIFORNIA: | | | | Receive the branding iron 2 2 2 | | Look at your father's grave 2 2 2 | | Use the letter on the grave 5 5 5 | | Buy a pan 1 1 1 | | Find gold 50 times 50 50 50 | | Buy a lantern 1 1 1 | | Buy a shovel 1 1 1 | | Take the mule 3 3 3 | | Brand the mule 3 3 3 | | Switch the mule at the stable 7 7 7 | | Give the message to room 11 3 3 3 | | Turn the wheel of the cannon 5 5 5 | | Take the magnet 1 1 1 | | Take the note 1 1 1 | | Take the string 1 1 1 | | Put the picture in the capsule 3 3 3 | | Take the aerogram 1 1 1 | | Follow the mule 7 7 7 | | Take the matches 1 1 1 | | Go down the hole in the outhouse 3 3 3 | | Tie the string to the magnet 2 2 2 | | Put the magnet in the hole 2 2 2 | | Lower the magnet 2 2 2 | | Pull the string 2 2 2 | | Unlock the door 1 1 1 | | Take the pick 1 1 1 | | Take the gold you find lying around 6 6 6 | | Pick for gold around the cave 9 9 9 | | Take all dug up gold 9 9 9 | | Find 3 gold in the last cave 3 3 3 | | Take all gold in the last cave 5 5 5 | | Climb through the hole 6 6 7 | | | | TOTAL: 255 250 250 | | | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------/ ============================================================================== 05.) REVIEW G0500 ============================================================================== Gameplay: 7/10 I usually don't like timed adventure games but this one is pretty well done. What is extremely frustrating is having to pan and dig for so much gold, even if it's just a bonus for extra points and the game can be completed without getting all. As primitive graphic engine this may be, it's slight more advanced that the first Larry or first few King's Quest games. It easily could be better at some points. The mule gets lost to much and the ladders in the cave are an accident waiting to happen. I bet every gamer falls down them at least once per game. Other things old Sierra games were flawed with are climbing stairs and the game takes over and alters the direction as required until the end of the staircase. I wish the other games such as KQ1 -> 3 would have that. Random events can be fun and getting hunted down by an alligator once in a while is a nice touch. However, taking a long trip around Cape Horn and contracting cholera is no fun matter, especially as this happens a lot. Ok so it is realistic that the trip is dangerous and the ship can sink but it's no fun for the player. This is probably the most frustrating part in the game next to running out of oil in the cave. On the other hand, this is an optional route and if one is having trouble they can take the land route instead. Graphics: 7/10 At the time of the release, other Sierra games were already further ahead with the SCI engine. Nevertheless, the creators did a good job in enhancing the gameplay and add nice touches. The streets of Brooklyn are lively and many try to interact with you. Many locations only exist for a minor use yet the creators managed to add plenty of detail. A negative point is that the pixels are too large and item locations are sometimes not obvious, something that was still well done in other games using this engine. Sound: 6/10 Not bad, up-lifting and usually fitting. After a while it feels a little recycled but for the time of the release I wouldn't expect much more. Overall: 7/10 It's tough, especially because random events screw up the game too often. Gold digging should be more fun. First part of the game is top notch. Three routes to take is a great idea and increases replayability. The 2nd part of the game is a little lousy. Finding gold in the river, running through the scenery, stubborn mules and the entire cave are more of an afterthought than really planned out. ============================================================================== 06.) CREDITS & THANKS G0600 ============================================================================== GameFAQs for hosting this. Sierra and for this classic game. ŻŻŻŻŻŻ This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. ,,, (o o) --------------------------------oOOo-(_)-oOOo---------------------------------