*The Count Day 1. En route to dungeon, enter and raise the dumb waiter. Go room and get matches and garlic. In dungeon, tie sheet to ring, climb sheet, light match, get torch, climb and untie sheet. After hearing bell ring, go outside of castle and get clip on the note. Drop the note. (In this game, specific tasks must be done in each of three days and two nights.) Day 1. pick lock in workroom. Get Vial. Drop wooden stake. Lock closet. Leave clip outside. Take mallet along. (Items left locked in closet won't be stolen.) Night 1. Eat pill. Go oven. Get file. (There are 65 moves/ day, 38 moves/pill; the bell rings 25 moves before sundown.) Day 2. With file, mallet and sheet, tie sheet to bed. Open window. Throw sheet out window. (Don't climb on the sheet with lit torch.) Move and drop portrait. Leave mallet and file in crypt. Day 2. Await package delivery outside castle. Take one cig- arette. Lock up balance in the closet. Night 2. Eat Pill. Go back to crypt. May have to negotiate the climb in the dark. Climb sheet. Go box. Go window. Light torch. Smoke cigarette. Open and Go coffin. File locking bolt with file Day 3. In Crypt, with stake and cigarettes. Drive stake. Od1OOd7OClaude Gigu}re 585-2238