*Strange Odyssey 1. Get suit, shovel, and phasor. Look console. Push red. Wear suit. Go door. Push red. Jump. 2. In cave. Set phasor. On destroy. Shoot boulder. Go cur- tain. 3. Pull rod. Push rod. Touch plastic. Plastic will glow one to seven times. Go curtain. 4. One glow: back to initial cave entry point. 5. Two glows: dig in grassy plain with shovel. Get pick. Set phasor. To stun. Shoot hound. Take hound. Return to Hexagon- al room. (Air is breathable her and in Hexagonal room to conserve air supply Read gauge on suit.) 6. Three glows: drop hound. Find mound. Set Phasor. To des- troy. Pick mound. Shoot hound. Take diamond. Shoot mound. Return. (Save game on entry as hound is unpredictable and there are areas from which no return is possible.) 7. Four glows: refill air supply here. Connect hose. Push white. Push black. Read gauge. If under 90, push black again. Note that another time can pop the suit. 8. GFive glows: nothing except an easy way to get killed. 9. Six glows: get sculture. Take belt from sculture. Look at painting while wearing goggles after pushing yellow. 10. Seven glows: wear belt. Twist buckle. Go light. Get brandy. Return. Repeat, getting the piece of metal. 11. Reset to scoutship location. Pull rod. Touch plastic. Push rod. Touch plastic. Then pull rod. Break and take rod. Return to spaceship. Will take two trips. 12. Go to storage hold. Open access hatch (with piece of metal). Drop rod. Push blue. Exit ship. drop all five trea- sures. Type Score. Ïä1ÏÏä7ÏClaude Gigu}re 585-2238