*Savage Island Part II 1. Say 123 (from Part I. Saying 474 will also start game, but without the bandana necessary to the solution.) 2. Hyperventilate. Go field. Breathe out. Head for the display case. 3. Look hydroponics. Look plant. Hold breathe. Push button. Crush flower. Drag neanderthal to the red metal room. 4. At console, wear bandana. Push button. Say "Free" (form Part I). Push button. 5. At blinking light, close eyes. Go field. 6. On bridge, unravel bandana. Tie bandana. To itself. Drop loop. Go loop. Push button (resets force field). Don't forget the device. 7. By medicine ball (useless), untie bandana. Tie bandana. To lever. To treadmill. Go treadmill. Hold rail. Run (resets air supply). 8. in middle control room, push button. Move red (alien device). Take block. Go field (arms block). Drop it and get out. Drop loop. 9. Go loop. Move blue. Push button. Get code sequence to decipher the story that came with the game. Ïä1ÏÏä7ÏClaude Gigu}reÏä2ÏÏä8Ï 585-2238