*Savage Island Part I 1. Dig sand. With hands. Look sand. Look hole. Get bottle. Drop watch- it's no useful. Get coconuts in palms and leave at tidepool. 2. By the cavem keep away from bear if he makes you nervous. Empty bottle in sink. Leave empty bottle by lake. (You can wash off your nervous perspiration in the lake, but any carried objects will be dropped.) 3. Return to starting point by swimming west. Go crevice. Jump. East. Wait for hurricane. After crash, get palm log. 4. Take palm logto lake. In lake, hold breath. Drop log. Swim down. Swim north. Get knife. At ARGH, swim up. Hold breath. Swim down again. Swim east. Get block. 5. Swim west, leaving all but palm log at secluded cove. Take log back east by lake. 6. Take knife, block, and bottle to tidepool. Get (salt) water. Drop other stuff. 7. Take bottle to bear cave. Go crevice. Empty bottle. Wait for puddle to become salt pile. Give salt to bear. Fill bottle (with rum). (If hurricane is simply too much for you, say "Yoho", but you can survive the storm the hard way.) 8. When it's dark, sleep only at secluded cove. 9. Get bottle across lake with help of log. Drop bottle. Take log to lake side by bear cave. (Log gets out, you don't.) 10. Cut/take vines. Get first log at large plain. Get second log and coconut. Don't cut coconut with knife; it will work, but leave you in a no-win situation. 11. Build raft at tidepool, using two logs and vines. Always cut and take a second set of vines for raft rebuilding. 12. Go raft. Sail raft to atoll, give bottle to pirate. Get bandana and note. These objects and information are needed for Savage Island Part II. 13. Sail raft to beach, move stalactite. With coconut. Go crevice. Take block into force field. Return to bear cave. 14. At the bat guano, dig. With hands. Get wire. Exit via maze into cave. Must have bandana, block and wire. 15. At alien machinery, fix machinery. With wire. 16. With machinery fixed, push Neanderthal's button. Go to control room. When there, push button. Say "Free". Go field. Get 123 password. Ïä1ÏÏä7ÏClaude Gigu}re 585-2238