*Golden Voyage 1. Buy and get everything in the city with the King's gold. 2. Raise anchor. Sail west. Leave compass on deck. Take telescope to mast top. Look telescope. (This is also requir- ed on the first trip to the other two islands.) Drop anchor. Wear sandals. Go island. Get box and shovel. Sword isn't necessary. 3. Sail to rocky strand. When statue animates, go staircase. Push statue. Walk down. Search rubble and get stone. Dig for key on grassy plain. 4. Go stairway. Get steel. Walk up. Look altar. Leave chal- ice for now. Unlock chest (with key). Leave mask and small stone for now. At altar-pray. 5. Sail to sandy beach. Give medicine (in box) to man. Get clue. Dig in jungle and get rope. Dig (twice) by cave and get torch and stone. Light torch (with steel). 6. At fountain, put tablet. In fountain. Dig outside cave for second torch (necessary). 7. Sail to rocky strand. Drop 3 stones in hidden chamber. Get the sun tablet. Head for small island. 8. At grass hut, hold tablet and say sun. Go crevice. Put sun tablet. In fountain. Look fountain. Get globe. Return to rocky strand. 9. At damp grotto, tie rope. To stalagmite. Drop rope, climb rope. 10. Wear mask. At cyclops, throw globe. Go cave. Fill chal- ice. Save game. (Cyclops, in his blind frenzy, is likely to stomp you. Return to King. Give chalice. Ïä1ÏÏä7ÏClaude Gigu}re 585-2238