================================================== = Infocom's Wishbringer = = A Walkthrough = = = = Written by Mr. X = = (Your friend in CoCo's) = ================================================== WARNING: This is not a doc-file or a hint-file. This is a walkthrough, or a 100% solution to "Wishbringer", by Infocom. If you are looking for instructions or for hints, you are consulting the WRONG source. If you are still reading this, it is probably safe to assume that you are stuck in some portion of the game. If so, continue on, otherwise read no further. (One other note: Any command placed in parenthesis is non-manditory. It has been included for the player's convenience and is just to provide some background information or to give the player a better understanding of what is happening in the game.) Wishbringer is divided into four sections for ease of reference. The four sections are, in order: 1) Beginning 2) The Magick Shoppe 3) Witchville 4) The Tower The following solution to Infocom's Wishbringer will solve the game, and will allow the player to obtain 95 out of the maximum 100 points. It is assumed that the remaining 5 points can be obtained by freeing the trapped platypus without the aid of the Rain Spell. Although I'm sure this can be accomplished (possibly through use of the dead branch?), it was not necessary to discover how to do this to complete the game. Section I, Beginning. You begin the game standing outside of the postal office. You must find and deliver an envelope to the Magick Shoppe. To get the envelope, use the following sequence of commands (note - a period separates each command): >South. Wait. Get Envelope. North. You are now standing outside of the Post Office. You must get a bone from the graveyard to get past a ferocious poodle. To get the bone, use the following: >West. West. Yes. North. West. Get Umbrella. East. Down. Get Bone. Up. South. East. East. East. To get past the poodle, give the bone to the poodle. >Give Bone to Poodle. Your next objective is to collect a few useful items which will be needed later in the game. First, however, you must get a note from Miss Voss, the librarian. >North. Wait. Get the Note. North. Get the Gold Coin. West. West. North. Up. Get Horseshoe. Down. East. North. North. East. Section II, the Magick Shoppe You are now standing in front of the hill leading to the Magick Shoppe. You will need to climb the long hill to the Shoppe, and deliver your envelope to the old woman who runs the shop. During this section of the game, you will obtain the Wishbringer stone itself. >Up. West. North. Up. East. South. Up. You are now at the Magick Shoppe. >Open the Magick Shoppe Door. Enter the Magick Shoppe. Wait. Wait. Give the Envelope to the Woman. The Woman will give the envelope back to you and will ask you to open it and read the letter inside to her. >Open the Envelope. Read the Letter. (Note: the letter is listed below.) Deliver the Magick Stone to me before the moon sets or you will never see your cat again! The Evil One The Woman will talk for awhile and will give you a can. Accept it. >Wait. Get the Can. Wait. Wait. You should be standing outside the Magick Shoppe once again. >Down. North. West. Down. South. East. Down. West. You should now be standing in front of the usual "Troll toll booth", found in numerous adventure games. However, you are about to suprise a careless troll. >Give the Can to the Troll. Get the Can. Squeeze the Can. Drop the Can. Get the Wishbringer. You now posess the Wishbringer stone, hidden in the fake bottom of the can. Now proceed to Witchville. >Open the Gate. South. South. Section III, Witchville You are standing just beyond the entrance to Witchville, the transformed village of Festeron. This is where a majority of your quest takes place. Here, you must aquire a number of items, the most important being a "Power Word" to be used in your battle against the Evil One. (Note: throughout the Witchville section of the adventure, it will be necessary to watch for "the tramping of Boots". Avoid the tromping Boots, as they will catch you and take you to jail. If the computer tells you that the Boots are coming in your direction, you should move away from them as quickly as possible. If they do catch you, it is possible to escape from the jail cell by moving the bed and escaping through a secret passage. However, this only works once...) >West. South. Open Umbrella. Wish for Rain. Drop the Umbrella. You have just freed the Princess of the Platypusses (Platypusi?). Now follow her to Misty Island. >Dig the X with Hands. Get the Whistle. Blow the Whistle. West. Wait. Get the Hat. East. Blow the Whistle. You have just received a gift, in the form of a Magician's Hat, from the Platypus King. Now, however, you must journey through the graveyard and use an underground tunnel to get two important items. >South. Yes. East. Down. North. East. Move the Bed. Up. Get the Blanket. Drop the Blanket down the Hole. Down. Get the Blanket. North. East. Cover the Grue with the Blanket. Open Refrigerator. Get Worm. West. West. Open the Stump. Up. You have just passed through a secret opening in the stump on lookout hill, and you now stand atop lookout hill itself. Your next objective is to obtain the "Power Word". >North. East. East. East. Give the Hat to the Bird. The Bird will reveal the "Power Word". For the purposes of this game, we will assume the Word is "Sorkin" (although it may not be). Write the Word down. >West. The following sequence of commands is in no way manditory. It is kind of fun, so I included it. >South. Open Mailbox. Wait. Wait. Wait. North. You now have an animated Mailbox as a companion for much of the rest of your quest. The Little Mailbox's only purpose is to guard you from the Big Mailbox near the Wharf. If you remain on the Wharf for too long, the Big Mailbox will attack. You must now get a game token which will allow you to be transported to the Tower - later. In addition, you must visit the Theatre. >West. South. South. Throw the Worm in the Fountain. Get the Token. East. Buy Ticket. Enter the Theatre. Give Ticket to Gravedigger. North. Look on the Floor. Get the Glasses. (Note: If you wish to, you may wear the Glasses and watch the movie.) >South. Exit Theatre. Yes. East. South. Insert Token in Machine. You are now playing a Videogame. It is crucial that you enter the following four moves exactly as given, or your quest will end prematurely... >Push Stick West. Push Stick West. Push Stick South. Push Stick South. Now, push the Red Button, and you will be transported into the final phase of Wishbringer. >Push Red Button. Yes. Yes. Section IV, The Tower Your Quest is nearly over, brave Adventurer (well, not so brave if you are using this file). It is now time to enter the Tower and confront the Evil One's apprentice - Mr. Crisp? Yes, your boss. First, however, you must recite the "Power Word". Did you remember to write it down? >Say Sorkin. South. South. Give the Violet Note to Mr. Crisp. Get the Lab Coat. Look in the Pocket. Get the Key. Unlock the Chains with the Rusty Key. Pull Lever. The Platypus Princess has been freed once again by you, but she provides no reward for you this time. >Get Note. Read Note. God, it took a long time to figure out that last sequence of commands! I never thought I would finish the game. Anyway, it's time to escape from this dreary torture chamber. >Open the Hatch. Up. Move Painting. Turn Crank. Up. Wear Glasses. You MUST type in this next command, as it turns off the power to the Glass Case containing Chaos. >Push the Second Switch. You may think, as I did, that the Black Cat in front of you is Chaos. However, it isn't (it doesn't have a white spot on its forehead). Also, the broom has no purpose, although you may think it does. Now, let's get out of the Tower, and rescue the Old Woman's cat. >Down. Drop the Glasses. North. North. East. To get the Hellhound to behave, use the information gained in the Violet Note. >Alexis, Heel. Now to invade Miss Voss's Cottage and to free Chaos! >Open Cottage Door. Enter the Cottage. Get the Steel Key. Exit the Cottage. North. Unlock the Library Door with Steel Key. Enter the Library. Wait. South. Break the Case with the Horseshoe. Get the Sculpture. Put the Wishbringer in the Sculpture. An Old Woman will appear and attempt to convince you not to put Wishbringer in the Cat. Do it anyway. The Old Woman is the Evil One, and it's time to get rid of her. >Yes. Yes. In a bright flash of light, Chaos has been recreated. You should now stand outside of the Magick Shoppe. Now all that's left is to give the cat to the Old Woman. >Get the Cat. Knock on the Magick Shoppe Door. Notes: There are 7 things that you may wish for when you posess the Wishbringer. They can only be wished for once. They are: 1) Advice (You must hold the Conch Shell. Every so often, it will 'ring', and you may listen to advice.) 2) Darkness (You must first drink the Grue's Milk. who knows why they included it - there is never any need for darkness.) 3) Flight (You must be sitting on a broom. It is a trick - You get the fake cat and sit on the broom, only to find that the fake cat is not the Old Woman's Chaos. If you play the game right, you never need this spell or the broom.) 4) Foresight (Another completely worthless spell. This does nothing other than use a psychedelic method of telling you the story of Chaos's kidnapping. You must first be wearing the 3-D Glasses.) 5) Freedom (You must hold the stone and eat the Chocolate in the police station. Although this spell seems helpful at first, it isn't really necessary to use.) 6) Luck (You must be holding the Horseshoe and the Wishbringer stone when you wish for this, however, I have no idea of just what it does.) 7) Rain (The only useful spell. You must stand outside and posess an open Umbrella for this wish to come true. However, I'm sure there is a way around using this spell as well.) Some things to try: -Go to the Wharf (in Festeron) and throw the Seahorse into the Ocean -Get caught by the boots -Leave Misty Island without the hat, then come back -Call Mr. Crisp by his first name (Corky) -Wish for Foresight -Wish for Advice and carry the Conch -Talk to the Gravedigger (give him the envelope) -Run around in the Witchville Cemetary -Deliver the Fake cat to the Old Woman ================================================== = This file was written and brought to you by... = = = = Mr. X = = = = of the = = CoCo Inner Circle = = = = ...Use and Enjoy! = ==================================================