Versão 0.1 - 12/abril/2010 Versão 0.0 - 06/setembro/2002 Copyright by Ricardo Mendonça Ferreira -- ============================== Calixto Island Walkthrough ============================== PORTUGUÊS --------- Este é o walktrhough do "Calixto Island", um jogo gráfico de aventura produzido para o CP-400 (TRS-Color), distribuído pela Mark Data Products. Os adventures distribuídos pela Mark Data poderiam ser encontrados na forma executável e com os fontes (para CP-400 e para PC) no site de um dos criadores (Bob Whiters): Como o site não existe mais, coloquei os arquivos à disposição em O restante do texto está em inglês, mas não é nada difícil de entender. Até mesmo um tradutor automático deve dar conta do recado... :-) ENGLISH ------- This is the walkthrough for the "Calixto Island" graphical adventure, produced for the TRS-Color (Coco - Color Computer), distributed by Mark Data Products. You could find Mark Data's adventures, both source and binaries (for the Coco and the PC) on the site of one of the programmers (Bob Whiters): but since the site went offline, I made the files available at ENGLISH WALKTHROUGH ------------------ The goal of the game is to find a treasure. Use the command "score" to see how well you are doing. You can type only the initial four letters of a word ("inve" instead of "inventory") or the initials of some commands (I, L, N, S, E, W, ...) to speed up typing. Use "get all" and "drop all" to get/drop all objects. Some deaths are rather random, so always save your progress!!! --| Professor Lagarto's study |-- score look desk open desk unlock desk look rug look table look table get message look message drop message look stairs go stairs get flashlight look chest open chest look chest get spectacles look spectacles look chest get manual look chest look manual read manual look box look jewelry get jewelry down drop spectacles get rug open door look go ladder light flashlight look look pump look bucket look cabinet look cabinet press switch look go passage read sign south unligth flashlight look device go device look panel look speaker drop jewelry drop rug read manual go lab drop manual light flashlight go passageway north get all go passageway south unligth flashlight go device drop all go lab get boots go device activate energizer press button --| Marshy Field |-- get rug go field wear boots west go jungle east go hill up go path go shack --| Trader Jack |-- drop boots get flashlight activate energizer press button go lab light flashlight go passageway north up unligth flashlight unlock desk open desk look desk look get microfilm look microfilm get spectacles look microfilm drop spectacles drop microfilm go stairs get chest go stairs light flashlight go ladder go passage south unligth flashlight go device activate energizer press button --| Forest |-- get all go field drop all go device get all go field drop all get boots get chest get trap get flashlight go hill up go path go shack trade chest get machete east up go shed drop machete get mice drop trap get machete west north down west cut foliage go jungle go crevice light flashlight look south east east south drop mice get paddles north west west north go crevice unlight flashlight north east drop flashlight drop machete get pump get bucket --| Exploring the Sea |-- go hill up go shed drop paddles get boat west go path drop boat inflate boat drop all get boots up go shed get shovel get paddles west north down get jewelry go hill up go path drop boots get bucket go boat paddle bail water paddle go shore look natives go clearing drop shovel go boat paddle bail water paddle go beach get pump go boat paddle bail water paddle go shore drop pump get shovel give jewelry go clearing look tombstone look idol --| Close to find something |-- dig look dig look drop shovel get pottery get crown east drop paddles get pump inflate boat drop pump get paddles go boat paddle bail water paddle go beach drop bucket get boots up north down drop boots get flashlight go device --| The End |-- activate energizer press button go lab light flashlight go passageway north up unlight flashlight drop pottery score drop crown