WARP FACTOR X WARP FACTOR X is a Startrek type simulation game. You will be able to select the version of WARP FACTOR X that is programed to run on your computer. WARP FACTOR 4 will support the 32k Color computer while WARP FACTOR 5 is designed to make full use of your 64k disk system. If you have the Color Computer 2 there is also a special version for you. WARP FACTOR X is written with some specific concepts in mind: 1. Your enemy, the Klingon, has been given the intelligence to react to tactical situations. Most strategic startrek games will fill the sky with 'robot' Klingons. In WARP FACTOR X there is, usually, only one Klingon active at a time. He is NOT a robot. His actions are based on the tactical situation at the time. His primary goal is to destroy your ship and ultimately you. If while fighting you his ship becomes badly damaged or energy leveles fall to critical levels a tactical retreat may be necessary. This means if you think you are about to finish off a Klingon you may be supprised to find he is suddenly moving away at warp speed. An experienced Captian can chase him down and finish him off. When the Klingon is engaged you will find that he will usually move around quite a bit. This makes little difference when using photon torpedoes since they must be aimed manually. When The Klingon is not in battle with your ship he is capturing planets for thd Klingon Empire or destroying Federation Starbases. "2. As a strategic simulation there must be more than one goal for the ships capain to keep in mind. Aside from destroying Klingon ships, the Captain must find neutral planets, or Klingon level 0 Klingon planets and build alliances with them. Once an alliance is established science scanning should be initiated. If during the science scan the planaet is found to have special attributes , bonus points are added to the captains score. These points help when it comes time for promotion. The Captain must attack level 1 or higher Klingon planets and bring them down to level 0 before a Klingon planet can be brought into the Federation. Enemy Starbases must be destroyed. This all adds up to "securing the sector". Once all strategic tasks have been accomplished and the last Klingon cruiser base been destroyed the sector will now be considered "secure". The sector will now be considered closed and no futher Klingon activity can take place. 3. Scoring and ranking players will be maintained. A ranking system using score and Klingon ship counts as a basis for promotions was established. Players scores and ranks are filled on a master data file. Veiwing of scores and ranks are possible from the main menu. 4. Real-time operation was the final concept used in writing WARP FACTOR X. Rather than giving each side a "turn", WARP FACTOR X is set up for near concurrent operation. This simply means that the time clock is used to slice a turn for the opposing (Klingon) side every now and then. This time slice will vary with battle or non-battle situations and the ranking of the Captian. As you will see, the pace can get rather hetic. WARP FACTOR X IS A COLLECTION OF SPECIALIZED PROGRAMS AND DATA FILES. A DISK BEING USED FOR WARP FACTOR X WILL HAVE VERY LITTLE SPACE LEFT AND SHOULD BE CONSIDERED DEDICATED TO THE GAME. YOU SHOULD HAVE A MASTER BACKUP DISK AND AT LEAST ONE BACKUP OF THE DISK BEING USED. THIS IS IMPORTANT SINCE YOU CANNOT WRITE PROTECT THE PLAY DISK. UPDATES MUST BE MADE TO THE SECTOR FILES AND THE SCORE FILE. AT VARIOUS TIMES DURING PLAY. TEMPORY FILES WILL BE GENERATED AND THEN KILLED. IMPORTANT!!!: Be sure to read through all the instructions before beginning WARP FACTOR X. This a very intricate and complicated game and you will need all the information available to become Captain of your Starship. LOADING To load WARP FACTOR X type RUN "Warp". A prompt for the type of computer will be generated. If you have 32K or if you want to specifically run WARP FACTOR 4 select the 32, option. If you have a 64k COCO or a COCO 2 then make the approprate selection. For the 64k or COCO2 options WARP FACTOR X will be automatically run when the game is initiated. ********************* GETTING STARTED When the main menu is displayed the following options will be available. A=LOGIN/STARTUP: If you have played the game before and established Score/ Dasta file by entering the new name you are asked to enter your Starflet ID number remember to press the (space) bar rather then the (enter Key) last. If you are a new player or would like to play under a new name you can establish a Score/Data file by entering the new name you wish to play under. at the LOGIN:prompt. You will then be prompted, again. for your name and an ID number that will be used to protect your file against unauthorized use. B= PRACTICE GAME: This allows you to play a game without the normal login. The game is the same as a regular one with the exception that the final score is not recorded. All changes to the sector information, such as a destroyed starbase, is saved. At the start of a practice game you will always warp into sector 1 1 first. It is a gook idea to play a few practice games before starting to keep score. C=VIEW HONOR ROLL: Selecting "C" will cause the player log to display each player and their statistics. The first player displayed is the senior officer. He holds the highest score total(this is an accumulation of scores for each game played). D=INITIALIZE ALL SECTORS: All 18 sectors will be rebuilt wiht new information. It does not affect scores. ************************ There are 2 quadrants each consisting of 9 sectors (1-9). Your mission is to secure each sector of both quadrants. For a sector to become secure the following tasks must be accomplished: 1. All Klingon Starbases must be destroyed. 2. All planets must be allied with the Federation. 3. The last Klingon in the sector must be destroyed. A status display should now display the message "secured". Quadrant/sector 1 1 will always be initialized secure. There will be 10 ally planets & 5 friendly starbases. ****************************** POINTS Points are earned for the following accomplishments: 1. Destroying Klingon bases. Points are earned for each hit on a base. 2. Destroying Klingon ships. Points are earned for hits upon a Klingon. 3. Building alliances with planets. 4. Scinece scanning a newly allied planet that reveals signifiant scince find or useful mineral find. Points are lost when the Klingon does the following: 1. Attacks Federation bases. Points are lost for each hit. 2. Attacks on the Enterprise. Points are lost for each hit. 3. Attack on allied planets. ********************* SPACE Each sector is laid out in a 75x75 point grid network. The Enterprise can manouver any point on the grid that is not being occupied by another object. If the ship attempts to stop on an occupied location a collision wil result and the drive system will recieve some damage. There are SPACE STORMS in most sectors. Space storms cannot be detected by your scanner. If the Enterprise enters a Spact Storm damage to most devices will result along with energy loss and a complete neutralizing of the shields. The ship will be displaced to another location. Instruments may operate erratically for a short time. In addition to fighting the Klingon , Enemy bases, and Enemy Planets, you must capture the loyalty of as many netural and level 0 enemy planets as possible. This not only helps your score but also builds up your repair depots. ********************* THE SHIP the following devices are available from the command console: 1. WARP drive and IMPULSE drive for manuevering the Starship. 2. PHASERE and PHOTON TORPEDOES for weaponry. 3. Shields for ship defense. 4. SCANNER for science survays and local object information. 5. Computer for recalling known relative position data. All the above mentioned devices are subject to damage from enemy attack!!!!!!!!!!!! During most non-graphic commands the status of the Ship Energy will be displayed. in bar graph form at the top of the screen If the bar graph turns from BLUE to RED the Ships Energy has falln to 1000 units or below. When the weapons or drive systems are used the damage status will be displayed in bar graph form with the amount of damage in units. If the damage reaches 250 the devic will not operate. Repares will be necessary before inoperable devices can be used again (see repairs below). The SHIELDS will protect, to some extent, the ship gttack by enemy forces. The shields have their own energy storage cells. These cells will store a maximum of 2500 unites of energy. If needed this energy can be charged from or transfered to the ship energy cells. The shield energy is reduced each time the shields asorb energy from an impact of enemy fre. The shields also are damaged to some extent each time they asorb energy from an impact of enemy fire. It takes extra ship energy to move via impusle or warp drive if the shields are up. Move the sheilds down when no enemy forces are present to save ship energy. If phasers are used with the shields up extra energy is consumed from the ships energy cells to force the shot through the sheilds. The SCANNER is used to update the ships computer and identify for the Captain any object except one, that is within a 10 x 10 target area. As each object is displayed its relative position,y-x, to the ship is also displayed. Due to the peculiear energy output of the Klingon ship the Scanner can detect it in a 15 x 15 target area as well as dertermine ship and shield energy levels. The one object the scanner cannot detect is the Space Storm. When an impulse or warp move is complete, a "scan" will be performed, unless the Klingon has locked on the Enterprise. The SHIPS computer is used to locate the relative position (x-y) of a known object in your ships sector. Using this information the Captain can keep track of all objects that the Enterprise has scanned in the sector. This is very useful for keeping track of Klingon attacks on Friendly Planets, Neutral Planets, and Federation Starbases. If the Ships Computer picks up an automatic alert beacon from Federation Starbase under attack the relative position of the starbase will be displayed with a message indicating a starbase is under attack. A klaxon will sound before and after the message is displayed. Sector summaries and status can also be retrieved from its memory banks. The PHOTON TORPEDOES will not be very effectime against the Klingon if his shields are very strong. The lower the shields the stronger the blast force. The real advantage is that three can be launched at once. Photon torpedoes have been known to disrupt a planets stability on impact due to the extremely concentrated energy release. It is possible to destroy a planet with a photon torpedo hit. This is frowned upon by the Federation. You can DOCK at Friendly Starbases and Friendly Planets. This will replinesh your ships energy and your shield energy. The ship and some device damage will be decreased a little for each dock. The Starbase is the best place to dock for powwer but it costs more points to dock there than at a planet. To REPAIR your ship devices you must execute the "REPAIR" comand. Not all devices are reparied during a dock. Use the repair comand to speed up this repair sequence. When using your drive to maneuver energy will be consumed according to how far you move. It takes a lot of energy to move with shields up. If you move using warp drive the energy consumption is increased according to the warp factor. There other features that you will lean as you go. The idea is to master the game and not let the Klingon and his supporting bases and planets destroy you. ********************** SOUND Sound has been added to help identify certain functions. Folloeing is a breakdown of the sounds you may hear: 1. When a long range scan is in progress a "ping" will be heard for each object plotted. 2. If the computer is not operational a low "tone" will be heard each time a number key is pressed to activate a function. 3. If the Klingon approches to within 10 locations of the enterprise a "klaxon" will sound to alert you to the danger (RED ALERT). 4. When an attack message is received from a Federation Starbase the "klaxon" will be sounded before and after the message is displayed. 5. When a move is initiated tones will sound each time. Documentation to Warp Factor X was provided by Cashman & Pulled From Deskmate's OS-9 format by The Source. Cashman & The Source - From Tennessee & South Carolina! Part Two of the Docs is next! WARP FACTOR 5 ONLY* 6. Explosion when the ship is hit by Klingon fire. 7. Phaser fire has an audible reverb. 8. Photon launches have an audible "plop". 9. A ping will be generated when a key is pressed and detected by the computer. If you hear the ping but no character is displayed the Ship Computer will treat it as if it were displayed and act if it is a single key comand. ************************ PLANETS - STARBASES - KLINGONS NEUTRAL PLANETS are planets that are not allied to either the klingon or the Federation. During a sensor scan they will be displayed in YELLOW BLOCKS. They will, normally, not attack the Enterprise. Before an alliance can be established the Enterprise must maneuver to within 1 space of the planet. FRIENDLY PLANETS are used for docking and ship repair during the game. Each dock costs 20 points. Some ship damage is repaired. Torpedoes are paritially replenished. Ship and shield energy is increased and minor repairs to ship devices are made. When friendly planets are scanned by the sensors they will appear as BLUE BLOCKS. Friendly planets are built to level 4 when first allied. The Klingon must bring the level down to 0 to capture the planet for the Klingon Empire. The planet can be built back to level 4 by docking. The level is increased by 1 for each dock until level 4 is reached. Be sure to science scan a new allied planet for scientific or mineral resources....more points!!! FRIENDLY STARBASES are used for ship damage repair and resupplying the ships energy and weapons. Ship energy is restored to 5000 units. Sheild energy is restored to 2500 units. Torpedoes are re-stocked to 10. Each starbase dock costs 250 points. Some device repair is done. Friendly Starbases will appear as a blue "lazy L" when sencor scanned. ENEMY STARBASES will appear as RED "HATS" with an astrix during a sensor scan. These bases will fire upon the Enterprise during a sensor scan. These bases will fire upon the Enterprise if she moves within 8 locations of the base. They will also notify the local Klingon cruser of your arrival when withen 8 locations. The Klingon uses these bases to repair and re-suply. ENEMY PLANETS are formerly NEUTRAL or FRIENDLY Planets that have been captured, by the Klingon and forced into the Klingon Empire. They will fire upon the ship when it is within 6 locations . Communication with the local Klingon ship when under attack is a certainty. When scanned an ENEMY PLANET will appear as a RED BLOCK followed by its build level and an astrix. Before y;ou can form an alliance with an Enemy Planet you must attack until the build level is zero. The KLINGON is deadly. Once locked on it is difficult to elude him. He will capture yor planets and destroy your starbases. The Klingon is subject to the same damage and needs as the Enterprise. Klingons know how to fight and maneuver. You will very seldom find one that doesn't give you a good fight. Note, though, they are not superhuman and weaknesses do exist. They will appear at the top of the sensor scan if they are within 15 locations of the Enterprise. ************************* COMAND SUMMARY Commands can be entered at the command prompt "**?". Sometimes when a key is pressed it may not be displayed or acted upon immediately. This is normal depending on what the Klingon is doing or what the current display mode is being used. If you hear a ping when the key is pressed but it is not displayed you can assume it has been recoanized by the computer and will be acted upon. Some comands require 2 keys to be pressed to activate. Some of those cammands have been placed under computer control using single numeric key entry to activate. If the computer is damaged and not operational the single numeric will not be active. You must then use the 2 key code to activate the desired function. **SU=SHIELDS UP Rember, when the shields are up it takes much more energy to move the ship. **SD = SHIELDS DOWN Move the ship with the shields down whenever it is safe. **SE = SHIELD ENERGY TRANSFER. This command allows the Captian to transfer energy from the SHIPS ENERGY CELLS to the SHIELD ENERGY CELLS or vice versa. To transfer energy from ship to shields enter a positive number. To transfer energy from sheilds to ship enter negative number. **ST = SHIP STATUS This command will display general ship status information. Included in the display is energy,position, shield, ship damage,and stardate status. The count of Klingon Ships and Starbases destroyed will be displayed followed by the Ship Energy, Shield Energy, SLheild Energy and Ship Damage in bar graph form. When these bars are RED a crittical stiuation is indicated. If the Ships Energy falls below 1000 unites that bar will be RED. If the Shield Energy falls below 500 that bar will be RED. The Ship is considered destroyed if the Ship Energy reaches zero or the Ship Damage rises above 2500 units. **SS = SCIENCE SCAN. This command will use the Ship sensors to do a specialized search of any Friendly Planet, within one location of the ship, for evidence of life forms and mineral deposits. When something of interest is located the Captain is rewarded by an increse in points. **DA = DAMAGE REPORT The damage status of all the ships dvices will be displayed in bar graph form followed by the damage level in units. When device damage reaches 250 or above the bar graph will be RED indicating that the device is inoperable. As long as the bar is BLUE the device will be operational. **R =REPAIR This command will effect some repair over most of the ship devices. A Damage Report will be displayed after each repair command. Every repair command requires 50 units of ship energy. **SN = SCANS a 10 x 10 area surrounding the Enterprise and displays objects and their relative positions. The Klingon will be seen if he is within 15 x 15 area. His scanner is not as likly to detect the Enterprise beyond a 10 x 10 locations. Starbases are shown with there energy output level. Planets are shown with their build level. Note - spacestorms are not detected. **P = PHASERS. Range = 10 x 10 (+-). The phasers can be aimed and fired using the 3 following parameters: PWR,Y,X. PWR -= Energy level of the phasers (0 - 5000 MAX.). The energy is subtracted from your Ships Energy Cells. Y = Relative position of the target up (+) or down (-). X = Relative position of the target right (+) or left (-). If the Phasers are called using the "7" key (see SINGLE KEY COMMANDS below) the ships computer, if operational, will automatically lock the Phasers on to the Klingon Ship, in range 10. X 10, or the nearest Klingon object. - Note - If the Shields are up when the Phasers are fired some extra energy will be depleated from the Ships Energy cells to force the beam through. **TO = PHOTON TORPEDOES. Range = 10x10 (+-). Requires 3 parameters:#,Y,X # = Number of Torpedoes in bust (1-3). Y = Relative position of target up (+) or down (-). x = Relative position of target right (+) or left (-). **L = LONG RANGE SECTOR SCAN. This is a graphic display of all objects, except Space Stormes, in the sector. If the Ship Computer is operational Friendly Starbases are displayed as a graphic "T". Enemy Starbases will be displayed in a graphic "hat" form. Scanned planets are displayed as a filled in circle. Objects that have not been scanned are displayed as empty circles. If the Ship computer is not operational all objects will be displayed as empty circles. **WARP FACTOR 4 - your Starship location is marked with a "cross" surrounded by a 10 x 10 target square. If the Klingon is within 15 locations of your ship he will be graphicly displayed. **WARP FACTOR 5 - Your Starship location is marKed with a graphic representation of the starship with a shield halo, if up. and is surrounded with a 10 x 10 target square. If the Klingon is within 15 locations of your ship he will be graphicly displayed. If the Starship computer is not working everything in the sector will be displayed as an empty circle. **I = IMPULSE DRIVE. Requires 2 paramaters y,x. The maximum impulse move is six (6) locations for y or x. Y = Move up (+) or down (-) relateve to your curent position. X = Move either Right (+) or left (-) relative to curent position. A Sensor Scan is preformed aftr each impulse move. **W = WARP DRIVE. This command allows the ship to make multiple Impulse moves within a sector. Three parameters are required to use Warp Drive: WF,Y,X. WF = Number of sequential Impuls moves (0-7). Y = Relative move up (+) or down (-) from 1 to 6 locations for each WARP FACTOR. x - Relative move right (+) or left (-) from 1 to 6 locations for each WARP FACTOR. If a WARP FACTOR of 8 or more is used the y and x parameters have the follwoing meaning: Y = Quadrant the ship is moving to (1 or 2). X = Sector number in the Quadrent (1-9). If a WARP FACTOR of 7 or less is used the move will be displayed using the Long Range Sensor Scan display. If the Klingon Ship approcheses to within 15 locations of the ship he will be displayed in graphic forme. **C = COMPUTER MODE. Information stored in the memory banks can be retrived using the computer. Relative location and energy/build information and any known object in the sector can be displayed. A computer controled Long Range Sensor Scan displaying only known objects can be selected. Quadrant/Sector status and known objects information can also be displayed. This is useful for keeping track of secured or unsecured sectors and/or object information ( only objects that have been previously scanned.) **A = Alliance. You may form an alliance with a Neutral Planet or level 0 Enemy planet. You must reduce an Enemy Planet to level 0 by attacking it before an alliance can be formed. You must be within one unit (y,x) to the planet. **Do = DOCK/ORBIT. This command will initiate a docking sequence if the ship is next a Friendly Starbase or establish a secure orbit around a Friendly Planet. Energy and damage levels will be adjusted to some extent. DOCK - Energy cells will be filled. Ship damage will be reduced to zero. Torpedoes will be fully restocked. Significant amount of device repair will be completed. Each dock costs 250 points. ORBIT - Energy cells will be replenished somewhat. Ship damage will be reduced a little. A few torpedoes will be supplied. Some device repair may be done. Each Orbit costs 20 points. **Q = Quit. This command causes the game to end and scores to be logged. ************************* The following is a summary of SINGLE KEY COMMANDS that are available if the computer is operational : 1 = SU SHIELDS UP 2 = SD SHIELDS DOWN 3 = SS SCIENCE SCAN 4 = SE SHIELD ENERGY TRANSFER 5 = ST STATUS DISPLAY 6 = SN LOCAL SCAN 7 = P PHASERS 8 = TO PHOTON TORPEDOES 9 = DO DOCK/ORBIT Note - if an "e" appears before the comand prompt this means that the Ship Energy level has reached a critically low level of 999 or less. NOTE - If an "s" appears before the command prompt this means that shields have been dropped.