GUADALCANAL From Ark Royal Games Copyright (C) 1984, 1987 By Phil Keller This copyright means that you may do anything you want with this program, give it away, copy it for your archive files, pass it along to a friend, but YOU MAY NOT SELL IT. It is offered as a shareware experiment to see if this method of supplying quality programs to the user will be appreciated. If you do not like this program and do not use it, then fine, you are not obligated; if you do use it, please remember that it may be the last program of its kind offered to shareware if you do not support it. We are asking that you make a contribution (no more than $10.00) to Ark Royal Games, POB 14806, Jacksonville, Fl, 32238. Ark Royal Games has 30+ more games it would like to offer as shareware. It's up to you. You can pay 3 to 5 times more for programs through publications, or you can enjoy them for a fraction of the cost through shareware. Think it over and YOU decide. It's your choice. ARK ROYAL GAMES would like to thank the hundreds of GUADALCANAL players out there who have written their thanks, suggestions, corrections and revisions, especially Richard Svenson whose time and effort resulted in GUADAL.PCH which has now become a standard part of this program. ****************** To play Guadalcanal you should have downloaded the following files: Guadal.Bas and Canal.Bin. To run program, Type PCLEAR <3> and press . Load"GUADAL" and RUN. Select Disk or Cassette. Select New or File game. Select difficulty 1-easiest, 4-is the historical game. 5-most difficult. GUADALCANAL depicts the first American land operation of WWII using text graphics to represent Marine combat units, (blue check) Navy Seabees (S), Japanese combat units, (Orange/red check), Clear terrain (solid green), USMC camp (...), Ocean (solid blue), complete airfield (orange/red solid) and airfield construction area (solid light blue). To aid player, a section of HELP screens identify graphic symbols and play commands. Call HELP at any time by pressing . MAP Too large to be viewed at one time, the map may be scrolled up or down by pressing and then pressing the up or down arrow key. End scrolling by pressing . GAME and each TURN begins at 1st Marine Headquarters (HQ), most of which is self-explanatory and will be covered in more detail later. At this point player may wish to insert a high speed poke, which greatly speeds play although with a loss of realism in sound. To insert High Speed poke, press and: CoCo 1,2 Type POKE 65485,0 CoCo 3 Type POKE 65497,0 Then Type CONT and press and press . Note that this high speed poke may cause problems on the Coco 1 or 2 and that on all CoCos it must be poked back to its normal state before SAVING a game. At the save screen: CoCo 1,2 type POKE 65494,0 CoCo 3 Type POKE 65496,0 At the headquarters screen player may reassign reinforcements provided he has a reserve pool greater than zero. Press to assign reinforcements. Units who are eligible for reinforcements are listed. Player enters the number of reinforcements (0-9, or N for Next) the unit listed is to receive. Only non eliminated, combat duty Marines with combat strengths less than 20 are eligible to receive reinforcements, and only if they are present in CAMP. Reassignment of reinforcements may take place only once per turn and no unit may receive more than 9 strength points a turn. Eliminated Combat units are lost forever. Lost or depleted SEABEE units may be replaced or receive replacements when the Supply ship enters port, but are always replaced 1 strength each 20th turn, every 20th turn. Ex: On turn 20 all three SEABEEs have a strength of 5 regardless of their status or strength before; on turn 40 strength is 6, on turn 60 strength is 7 and so forth. Press to go to map. UNIT ACCESS Along the bottom of the screen appears the unit #, combat strength (STR), moves remaining, and Duty/Experience (D/E) of the unit identified by the white square on the map. (White square appears to the right of the unit graphic). Also displayed at the bottom are total supply factors (SF), number of patrols out and field strength (FS). Units must be on the screen to receive commands. To find a unit off the screen go into the SCROLL move by pressing . See above. After the unit has moved once (usually by turn 2), the computer will find the off-screen unit for you. When it does it will ask (Y/N) if you want to go to that unit. AUTOSEARCH will scan for any units that have not been given commands that turn. When it finds one it will stop and ask for a command. If all units have moved it will also prompt you for a command. Press to end the turn, to save a game, etc. Not all units have to be moved or given commands. Player may end turn or save game at any time, (though saving game does end the turn). COMMANDS are divided into two sections: those pertaining to UNITs and those that are NON UNIT. UNIT commands affect the unit identified on the screen and usually result in loss of movement after command is carried out. UNIT COMMANDS M>ove. Press and then a direction arrow to move the unit. Clear and camp terrain is negotiated at the rate of one move point (MP) per location. Other terrain is crossed at a random rate: Rivers (===) from 1-4 MPs, jungle from 1-3 MPs. The ocean may not be entered except by forced retreat. American units forced into the ocean are eliminated. Units may temporarily 'clear' terrain for other units to pass over them. The moving unit may not end its turn on another unit, however, since units may not 'stack'. Units ending their moves on other units are retreated automatically. An "M" identifies the unit moving. Press to end movement. A "#" or "*" represents a Marine combat unit or a Seabee unit that is finished moving that turn. A unit may move until stopped by player , its moves run out, or combat occurs. A unit not having enough MPs to negotiate a certain terrain will not be allowed to move. Units moving into the upper or lower two rows of the screen force AUTOSCROLL, making the map scroll two rows in that direction. When approaching the map limits north or south, garbage appears telling player he has run out of GUADALCANAL. Other than affecting the aesthetics of the game, this does nothing to injure play. ortar. Combat unit may fire mortars BEFORE moving as long as there are supply factors remaining. (See bottom of screen, SF) To fire Mortars press after being placed in movement. In other words, press to get the unit into movement status and then press again to fire mortars. Press a direction arrow to fire the mortar in a specific direction, or press to cancel. Any damage done to enemy unit(s) is dependent upon hitting the Japanese unit and the strength of the Marine unit firing. Firing mortars costs the unit its movement that turn and also diminishes supply. ntelligence. After pressing , press . Any unit may call for intelligence during a turn; at ANY TIME DURING A MOVE. It loses the rest of its movement capability that turn. Depending on the turn, the completion of Henderson Field, and the unit's experience, Intelligence may uncover a number of Japanese units and/or the APPROXIMATE location of a hidden camp. As with A/O and Naval Barrages (later), this locating device is only concerned with THE PORTION OF THE MAP PORTRAYED ON THE SCREEN AT THE TIME THE COMMAND IS MADE. aval Barrages (DO NOT press first.) Answer correction prompts by imputing the number of locations up, down, left and/or right you wish to move the barrage. Nine locations (or half the Marine unit's strength, whichever is greater) is the maximum number of locations the targeting cursor may be moved. Press for zero. Press if everything is correct and to fire barrage at target. (Entering all zeros cancels the barrage.) The number of naval barrages available is kept at Marine HQ. To fire a barrage, player must have more than zero on hand. Naval barrages are allocated when the supply ship arrives and may be accumulated. COMBAT DUTY AND ASSIGNMENTS

atrol (assignment change) Do not enter M first. Normally all units are assigned to "C", company duty. However, up to 9 COMBAT UNITS LOCATED IN CAMP may be assigned to patrol duty. To assign to patrol duty, press

. Assigning a unit to patrol reduces its combat strength by one half and increases its movement points to 12 (double its normal rate). Unit may move anywhere (except ocean) at the rate of 1 MP per location regardless of the terrain. Patrol reduced combat strength points are added to the Reserve Pool and may be reclaimed by ANY eligible unit. To place a unit back on company duty, bring the unit back to camp and press

. You will have to allocate reinforcements at HQ to bring unit back to strength. SEABEE'S (only) may be issued two move commands: CLEAR and AIRFIELD CONSTRUCTION. Unlike combat units, however, Seabees may call their commands before or during movement. lear. (AFTER PRESSING ) Move Seabee unit to a jungle location, (not a river!) and press to clear it. Success is not guaranteed, but when it occurs cleared jungle becomes camp terrain with all the benefits afforded it. irfield Construction. Same as the Clear command except the location must be an airfield location (See below). Press to attempt construction. Success in Clearing jungle and Airfield construction depends upon the Seabee's strength and remaining MP's. Airfield construction is additionally affected by game level. NON MOVE COMMANDS do not affect the unit and may be called at any time. crolls the map up or down. elp irfield check. Press to see where airfield construction needs to take place. nds turn SAVEs game. Remember to POKE high speed poke off if you POKEd it on. Air operations. There are three types: Search, Interdiction and Cover. The total number of air operations (A/O) is located in HQ display. Search and Interdiction may be called during turn. Cover is determined by the amount remaining at the end of the turn. Calling A/O. Does not require a non moved unit. Press . Both search and interdiction occur on the portion of the map displayed. In other words, you cannot call A/O, scroll the map, and use A/O. Player should always scroll FIRST. You will be asked to pick Search (Y/N). If you refuse it you will then be asked to pick Interdiction (Y/N). Refusing Interdiction cancels A/O. SEARCH: The flashing "A" is to be moved with the arrow keys to the appropriate location you wish to search. Press . Any Japanese camps (reverse 'O') or units (red checked) located in the 3 X 3 search pattern will briefly appear. Japanese units thereafter MAY lose their concealed status when moving. Computer keeps track of searched areas with a '/'. These are considered jungle terrain thereafter. INTERDICTION: Same as Search except the flashing symbol is an 'I'. Interdicting air units will attack any Japanese units in the attack radius. COVER: Do nothing. The number of A/O's remaining at the end of the turn are assigned to cover. The amount of cover available may prevent Japanese bombardment (ah, yes, the Japanese like to bomb you at the end of the turn). Seven or more A/O's assigned to cover prevent this bombardment. Air Op amounts are received at the rate of 1 for every 2 portions of Henderson Field constructed at turn's end. When Henderson Field is 100% complete, a bonus of 1 is added to this total. Every 20th turn another A/O is added. A/O's do not accumulate from turn to turn. As in the real battle for Guadalcanal, a lack of A/O's may prevent the supply ship from arriving when it should. PENALTY Should field strength (FS) ever fall below 25 + 5 X PLAY LEVEL the game will end immediately along with a 25 turn penalty. Ex: Playing in turn 15, level 3, FS falls to less than 40, the cut off (25 + 5 X 3) and the game ends. Points are figured at 40 rather than 15. See victory levels. PLAY Marines are moved individually. (See Commands) Skip over any unit(s) you don't wish to receive orders with the RIGHT ARROW. They may still be commanded later on in the turn. After each American move, the Japanese move. Occasionally the Japanese will take a move before player does anything and quite often will move after you have decided to end the turn. Play level affects Japanese movement. Japanese Units (JUs) are normally hidden except when arriving in camp, attacking, entering the ocean, or when moving just after being located during air search. JUs move toward Marine HQ, (Q) on the map, and tend to attack in waves. If any JU reaches HQ, all A/O's, Naval Barrages, the reserve pool and unit experiences are reduced to zero. In addition, supply is cut in half. JAPANESE CAMPS There are 4 plus play level camps in every game. Thus, in play level 4 there are 8 Japanese camps. Like the Marines, the Japanese use camps to resupply and reform. To secure Guadalcanal, player must capture all the Japanese camps. To capture a camp, player must move a unit to it. Aside from being told that you have captured it, a reverse 'O' will mark the site. Once captured, camps no longer benefit the Japanese. NOTE: DEPENDING ON THE LOCATION OF JAPANESE UNITS AT THE TIME CAMP WAS DISCOVERED, THE 'O' USED THE MARK THE CAMP MAY NOT APPEAR PERMANENTLY. CONSIDER THIS WHEN USING A/O SEARCH WHERE THE MARKER APPEARS DIRECTLY OVER AN AMERICAN OR JAPANESE UNIT. THIS SAME THING MAY HAPPEN. EXPERIENCE Each time a Marine or Seabee eliminates a Japanese Unit an experience point is awarded the unit. (Maximum 5). Experience points are added to combat and also aid in affecting accurate intelligence. AMERICAN SUPPLY greatly affects play. The game doesn't end when player runs out of supply but things do get rough. Loss of mortars, experience points, and all combat modifiers occur when player runs out of supply. When supply returns, benefits return, though everything has to be built again from scratch. SUPPLY SHIPS arrive during the course of the game. The frequency of their arrival is dependent of the portions of Henderson Field completed. If a Japanese Bombardment occurs during the turn a supply ship is supposed to arrive, the supply ship delays arrival by one turn. Arrival turn is listed on HQ display screen. ALL COMBAT, LOSSES TO BOMBARDMENTS, THE FIRING OF MORTARS, AND THE APPEARANCE OF JAPANESE UNITS ON AMERICAN CAMP TERRAIN REDUCE AMERICAN SUPPLY. Combat Effects: The defending unit (American or Japanese) receives a moderate modifier when defending. When defending behind a river this modifier is increased. The unit suffering the more casualties is usually retreated. Occasionally a Japanese unit may be retreated into the ocean then wrap around to the other side of the screen. Consider this unit eliminated. Japanese bombardment destroys (reduces) unit strength, airfield construction, supply and reserves. VICTORY Game ends when A) All Japanese camps are captured or B) when Field strength falls below allowed level. Otherwise game may continue indefinitely. VICTORY LEVELS Dependent on play level, camps captured and turns taken at the game's end decided level of victory. Formula is: ((Camps Captured - Play Level) X 10) -Turn + 100 Points needed for... Decisive victory 95 + Conditional 80-95 Marginal 65-79 Limited 45-64 Draw 30-44 Loss 29 and below To SAVE a game press and select a file number (1-9). When loading again, select ile instead of ew game and select the file number. Example: Playing level 3, player captures 7 camps in 55 turns. Using the formula (7-3) *10 = 40 - 55 + 100 = 85 points, a conditional American victory. GUADALCANAL is a product of ARK ROYAL GAMES, POB 14806, Jacksonville, Fl, 32238, Copyright (C) 1984, 1987 by Phil Keller. It is offered as Shareware. We hope you enjoy it.