COLORZAP METHOD OF PLAY You are stationed at the center of the Stargate Epsilon (center of screen) through which any ship must pass to approach your *** star. War has been declared and you have just received word that hordes of alien starships will try to gain access to your home world through Stargate Epsilon. Use the button on your right joystick to fire your high speed laser cannon to destroy attacking alien ships. There are four entry points where alien ships will appear. Position the right joystick (right, left, top, bottom) in the corresponding direction that you want to fire and then shoot. Move quickly as more alien ships will appear at the same entry points. You must destroy all alien ships and their deadly photon torpedos to survive the round. DEATH SATELLITE If you survice a round of attacking ships, orbiting Death Satellites will materia- lize. You must aim carefully to destroy them. At the left side of the screen a colored bar indicates how many alien ships remain to be destroyed before the Death Satellites appear. Each time your shields are hit, more alien ships may have to be killed than before the shield was hit. The size of increase is dependent upon the skill level at which you are playing. SCORING Alien ships....................... 50 points Alien photon torpedo.............. 10, 20, 30 points depending upon how close they are to you when you hit them Death Satellites.................. 100 points SHIELDS The game is begun with three shields each of which protect you from an alien tor- pedo. Every 10,000 points you earn one extra shield up to a maximum of five, and the skill level will automatically increase by two. GUN MELT DOWN You may fire continuously by holding the fire button down. This will, however, heat up your laser cannon and my cause it to melt down. The colored column at the lower right edge of the screen will indicate how close to melt down you are. When you rapid fire, the cannon will heat up and the column will shrink, when you don't shoot the cannon will cool off and the column will grow. SKILL LEVELS Choose from 16 skill levels. The more experienced you become, the higher skill level you will want to choose. As the skill levels increase, more and faster alien ships and Death Satellites will appear.