=============================================================================== Volume 1 Issue 6 August 1989 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____ _____ ____ ____ ___________ / | / | | | | | | _____ \ / |/ | | | | | | | \__\ / /| /| | | | | | | | / / | / | | | | | | | | / / | / | | | | | | | | ____ / / | / | | | | | | | | |__ \ / / | / | | \ \_______| | | |_________\ \ |___| |/ |___| \____________| |________________\ __ __ ____ ______ _____ ____ | \ || / __ \ --,,-- |,--- //--\\ ||\\ || || || || || \\__ || \\ || || || || |,== ---\\ || \\|| ||__|| || ||___ ___// || \_| \____/ || |____ ___/ The Official Newsletter of: The Motorola Users Group of London =============================================================================== =============================================================================== The Dog days of Summer =============================================================================== August 1989 MUG Notes Page 1 Motorola Users Group of London 1989 EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT Stan Bischop 500 Osgoode Dr. #122. London N6E 2G9 668-7277 VICE- PRESIDENT Gerry Davis 1053 Frances St. London N5W 2L8 453-8686 SECRETARY Judy Daviau 500 Osgoode Dr. #122 London N6E 2G9 668-7277 TREASURER Sheila Smith 11 Bridle Path London N6Y 2H1 672-4913 APPOINTED POSITIONS MEMBERSHIP CO-ORDINATOR Judy Daviau 500 Osgoode Dr. #122 London N6E 2G9 668-7277 NEWSLETTER EDITOR Sheila Smith 11 Bridle Path London N6Y 2H1 672-4913 P.D.LIBRARIAN Diane Gubbels R.R. #1 Miller Rd. Delaware N7G 3H8 652-3844 PUBLIC RELATIONS Gerry Thomas 232 Oakland Ave. London N5V 4H1 659-1374 B.B.S. SYSOP Wayne Morrison 1089 Chippewa Dr. London N5V 2T8 451-7217 NEWSLETTER PUBLISHER Wayne Morrison 1089 Chippewa Dr. London N5V 2T8 451-7217 TECHNICAL ADVISORS Stan Bischop 500 Osgoode Dr. #122 London N6E 2G9 668-7277 Gerry Davis 1053 Frances St. London N5W 2L8 453-8686 Wayne Morrison 1089 Chippewa Dr. London N5V 2T8 451-7217 MUG Line B.B.S. 24 Hours Daily 300/1200 Baud N-8-1 451-7216 DISCLAIMER The opinions expressed by the authors are not necessarily those of the Motorola Users Group of London, the editors, or the club members. While we try to make sure that all software and hardware projects in this newsletter have been tested and do work, we will not be responsible for any damage to your own personal equipment resulting from using information contained in this newsletter. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Contents of this newsletter are copyrighted 1989 by the Motorola Users Group of London. Reproduction by any means other than for the personal use of members without prior written consent is forbidden. Other non-profit computer clubs may make use of the enclosed material as long as written acknowledgement is made of the source. MANDATE This newsletter is published by and for the Motorola Users Group of London. This club has no affiliation with the Motorola Corporation. This club is a non-profit organization for anyone that may have an interest in Motorola 68XX and 68XXX based microcomputers and the use and exchange of information about these machines. August 1989 MUG Notes Page 2 Table of Contents Page Item ==== ==== 1.....................List of Officers and Mandate 2 ................... Table of Contents 3 ................... Criminal Code and Computer Crime 5 ................... Peeks Pokes & Execs (two more pages) 7 ................... View Point 8 ................... Hi Res Interface Modification 9 ................... Doctor Dunce 10 ................... Tech Tips (Care and Feeding of your CoCo) 11 ................... Telecom Comments (Information Station) 12 ................... About Basic09 SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS The Motorola Users Group of London sponsors two special interest groups (SIG's for short). The beginners SIG meets on Tuesday nights at Wayne Morrison's (1089 Chippewa Dr.) starting at 7:00 P.M. The advanced SIG meets at Sheila Smith's (11 Bridle Path) Wednesday nights also starting at 7:00 P.M. Whether you have just started out or you are an experienced hacker, there should be something of interest for you! August 1989 MUG Notes Page 3 This file was downloaded from the Metro Police BBS. BULLETIN #7 - Criminal Code of Canada references to Computer Crime ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For those that may be interested, the following are the latest amendments to the Criminal Code of Canada pertaining to computers and their related uses. The following are from Martin's Annual Criminal Code 1985 by Greenspan. The 2 sections concerned are Fraud (sec 301) and Mischief (sec 387). Section 301.2 (1) Everyone who, fraudulently and without color of right, (a) obtains, directly or indirectly, any computer service, (b) by means of an electromagnetic, acoustic, mechanical, or other device, intercepts or causes to be intercepted, directly or indirectly any function of a computer system,or (c) uses or causes to be used, directly or indirectly, a computer system with intent to commit an offence under paragraph (a) or (b) or an offence under section 387 in relation to data or a computer system is guilty of an indictable offence and and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years, or is guilty of offence punishable on summary conviction. (2) In this section, "computer program" means data representing instructions or statements that, when executed in a computer system causes the computer system to perform a function; "computer service" includes data processing and the storage or retrieval of data; "computer system" means a device that, or a group of interconnected or related devices one or more of which, (a) contains computer programs or data, and (b) pursuant to computer programs, (i) perform logic and control, and (ii) may perform any other function; August 1989 MUG Notes Page 4 "data" means representations of information or of concepts that are being prepared or have been prepared in a form suitable for use in a computer system; "electromagnetic, acoustic, mechanical, or other device" means any device or apparatus that is used or capable of being used to intercept any function of a computer system, but does not include a hearing aid used to correct subnormal hearing of the user to not better than normal hearing; "function" includes logic, control, arithmetic, deletion, storage and retrieval and communication or telecommunication to, from or within a computer system; "intercept" includes listen to or record a function of a computer system, or acquire the substance, meaning or purport thereof. Section 387, subsection (1.1) reads: Everyone commits mischief who wilfully (a) destroys or alters data; (b) renders data meaningless, useless, or ineffective; (c) obstructs, interrupts, or interferes with any person in the lawful use of data or denies access to data to any person who is entitled to access thereto. Section 387, subsection (5) reads: Everyone who commits mischief in relation to data (a) is guilty of an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years; or (b) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction. All so called "HACKERS" should be aware of these new section since breaking into a computer system via phone, using "blue boxes" to make free long distance calls is now illegal and can mean 10 years in the clink. All programmers should be aware that putting a worm (i.e. to erase the companies payroll files the day his name is removed!) is now illegal. Software clubs such as Clubsoft et al, as well as anyone buying their services, should be aware of the sections dealing with obtaining a computer service as this could be interpreted to include copying licensed software for use other than as set out in the license agreement. ( section 301). August 1989 MUG Notes Page 5 PEEKS POKES & EXECS KEY <@> PRESSED IF = 254..........PEEK 338....................... KEY PRESSED IF = 254..........PEEK 339....................... KEY PRESSED IF = 191........PEEK 341....................... KEY PRESSED IF = 254..........PEEK 340....................... KEY DISABLE...............POKE 41598,255................. KEY PRESSED IF = 254..........PEEK 341....................... KEY PRESSED IF = 191......PEEK 339....................... KEY PRESSED IF = 191.......PEEK 342....................... KEY PRESSED IF = 254..........PEEK 342....................... KEY PRESSED IF = 247.PEEK 342....................... KEY PRESSED IF = 254..........PEEK 343....................... KEY PRESSED IF = 191......PEEK 338....................... KEY PRESSED IF = 191.........PEEK 343....................... KEY PRESSED IF = 191.........PEEK 344....................... KEY PRESSED IF = 254..........PEEK 344....................... KEY PRESSED IF = 254..........PEEK 345....................... KEY PRESSED IF = 253..........PEEK 338....................... KEY PRESSED IF = 253..........PEEK 339....................... KEY PRESSED IF = 253..........PEEK 340....................... KEY PRESSED IF = 253..........PEEK 341....................... KEY PRESSED IF = 253..........PEEK 342....................... KEY PRESSED IF = 247.PEEK 343....................... KEY PRESSED IF = 253..........PEEK 343....................... KEY PRESSED IF = 253..........PEEK 344....................... KEY PRESSED IF = 253..........PEEK 345....................... KEY

PRESSED IF = 251..........PEEK 338....................... KEY PRESSED IF = 251..........PEEK 339....................... KEY PRESSED IF = 251..........PEEK 340....................... KEY PRESSED IF = 247PEEK 344....................... KEY PRESSED IF = 247PEEK 344....................... KEY PRESSED IF = 251..........PEEK 341....................... KEY DISABLE........POKE 41599,255................. KEY PRESSED IF = 247..PEEK 345....................... KEY PRESSED IF = 251..........PEEK 342....................... KEY PRESSED IF = 251..........PEEK 343....................... KEY PRESSED IF = 247...PEEK 341....................... KEY PRESSED IF = 251..........PEEK 344....................... KEY PRESSED IF = 251..........PEEK 345....................... KEY PRESSED IF = 247..........PEEK 338....................... KEY PRESSED IF = 247..........PEEK 339....................... KEY PRESSED IF = 247..........PEEK 340....................... KEYBOARD LOCK.....................POKE 65295,240................. KEYBOARD ROLL OVER BITS ..........PEEK 338 - PEEK 345............ KEYBOARD TO PRINTER...............POKE 360,162:POKE 361,191...... KEYBOARD UNLOCK FROM POKE65295,240........................ KEYS DISABLED.....................POKE 359,255................... KEYS ENABLED AFTER POKE 359,255...POKE 359,126................... LAST COMMA FIELD TO PRINTER.......POKE 154,XX.................... LAST KEY PRESS IN ASCII...........PEEK 135....................... August 1989 MUG Notes Page 6 PEEKS POKES & EXECS (continued) LEADING SPACE ELIMINATED IN NO.'s.POKE 48612,214:POKE 48613,24... LEADING SPACE RESTORED IN NUMBERS.POKE 48612,167:POKE 48613,192.. LEFT AND RIGHT FIREBUTTONS IF=252.PEEK 65280..................... LEFT FIREBUTTON IF = 125 OR 253...PEEK 65280..................... LINE POINTED TO BY ON BRK........PEEK(65036)*256+PEEK(65037).... LINE POINTED TO BY ON ERR........PEEK(65038)*256+PEEK(65039).... LINE DELAY .288 SEC. TO PRINTER...POKE 151,64:POKE152,0.......... LINE DELAY .576 SEC. TO PRINTER...POKE 151,128:POKE152,0......... LINE DELAY 1.15 SEC. TO PRINTER...POKE 151,255:POKE152,255....... LINE DELAY FOR PRINTER............POKE 151,msb:POKE 152,lsb...... LINE INPUT EQUIVALENT.............EXEC 41872..................... LINE WIDTH OF PRINTER.............POKE 155,XX.................... LIST COMMAND DISABLE..............POKE 32392,68.................. LIST COMMAND DISABLE..............POKE 383,158................... LIST COMMAND DISABLE..............POKE 383,158................... LIST COMMAND DISABLE..............POKE 384,PEEK114:POKE385PEEK115 LIST COMMAND DISABLED ON DISK SYS.POKE 384,PEEK(114):385(115).... LIST ENABLED AFTER POKE 383,158...POKE 383,0..................... LISTING SLOWED....................POKE 359,60.................... LOAD BASIC PROG. FROM CASSETTE....EXEC 42136..................... LOCK KEYBOARD.....................POKE 65295,240................. LOWER CASE 32x16 TEXT SCREEN......POKE 38345,127:65331,16:....... LOWER CASE 32x16 TEXT SCREEN (contpmode 2,1: screen 1............ LOWER CASE........................POKE 282,0..................... LOWER/UPPER CASE..................POKE 65314,4................... LOWERCASE BLACK ON GREEN XX=16....POKE38341-38345,18,134,XX,18,18 LOWERCASE BLACK ON GREEN XX=80....POKE38341-38345,18,134,XX,18,18 LOWERCASE BLACK ON ORANGE XX=24...POKE38341-38345,18,134,XX,18,18 LOWERCASE BLACK ON ORANGE XX=88...POKE38341-38345,18,134,XX,18,18 LOWERCASE GREEN ON BLACK XX=48....POKE38341-38345,18,134,XX,18,18 LOWERCASE ORANGE ON BLACK XX=56...POKE38341-38345,18,134,XX,18,18 LUNAR ROVER PATROL EXTRA MEN......POKE 22369,XX ................. MACHINE LANGUAGE END ADDRESS......PEEK 126*256+PEEK(127)-1....... MACHINE LANGUAGE EXEC ADDRESS.....PEEK 157*256+PEEK(158)......... MACHINE LANGUAGE START ADDRESS....PEEK 487*256+PEEK(488)......... MAINTAIN RED TEXT ON PINK.........POKE 359,13.................... MEMORY (GRAPHIC) DUMP OPEN........POKE 359,57:POKE 65480,0....... MEMORY (PROTECTED) AREA...........PEEK (39)*256+PEEK(40)......... MEMORY POINTER MAXIMUM............PEEK (116)*256+PEEK(117)....... MEMORY PROBLEM IF = 2 ............PEEK 126....................... MERGE TAPE FILE WITH PROGRAM......OPEN1,X$:POKE111,255:EXEC44156 MINUS SIGN ELIMINATED IN NUMBERS..POKE 48612,214:POKE 48613,24... MINUS SIGN RESTORED IN NUMBERS....POKE 48612,167:POKE 48613,192.. MONOCHROME SIGNAL FROM COCO 3.....POKE 57395,19:57404,19:57413,19 MOTOR OFF.........................POKE 65313,52.................. MOTOR ON EQUIVALENT...............EXEC 42954..................... MOTOR ON..........................POKE 65313,4................... August 1989 MUG Notes Page 7 ONE MAN'S VIEW I discovered the following message on the FidoNet mail system. I found the writer's views and philosphies on the different types of computer users to be extremely interesting, and I felt that it was worth sharing with other club members. Please note, however that that these views are not necessarily those of the Motorola Users Group of London nor myself. I am just presenting an interesting outlook of one person from the American State of California. Msg : 125 Area: COCO Sent: 16 Jun 89 16:45:46 From: Shawn Driscoll To: David Halko Topic: Re: COCO 4 A good number of IBM users don't really get into programming their machines. They simply use Word Perfect or PBrush. The cost of adding devices such as MIDI and voice recognition and multi-tasking are so high, that most IBM users don't think of ever using those things. They don't see demos of their machines doing wild amazing things like CoCo programmers have seen of their OS-9, RS-DOS RASCAN digitizer, Max Sound machines. What an IBM user doesn't see, he will never know or even understand. I've seen plenty of times when a CoCo programmer will explain that his machine does multi-tasking. The IBMer will simply profess that his machine has EGA, 1M RAM, 40M hard-drive, and runs Lotus. This to him is power. What is multi-tasking? he will ask. The CoCo programmer could go on for hours about how his system can do all kinds of things for much less $$$. But can your CoCo run Lotus? the IBMer would robotically reply. IBMers tend to believe in the working theory that their machine is better simply because it has more memory, diskspace, keys, and it costs more. Hardware is not everything when all your computer can show is Print Shop banners. IBMers refuse to believe that a trash-80 can out do their machine. This is a given. The same clods insist on driving GMC when there is Delorean. But I digress.... * Origin: OCEAN BEACH BBS San Diego CA. (619)-224-4878 -[1:202/610] August 1989 MUG Notes Page 8 The Colorware CoCo Max 3 and Max 10 Hi Res Joystick Module To turn a Tandy Hi Res Joystick pak into a Coco Max 3 or Max 10 type joystick pak, you must do the following: (1) Solder a 560K ohm resistor in PARALLEL with R7. R7 will be EITHER a 390K ohm resistor OR two 220K ohm resistors in series, depending on what version Hi Res Joystick adaptor you have. It is located between the cylindrical electrolytic capacitor and the wire from the 5 pin DIN cassette plug. The manufacturer had problems for a while getting 390K ohm resistors (it is a less popular size). (2) Now desolder both wires of the 5 pin DIN plug from the board, and remove that plug. That plug is NOT used by the CoCo Max 3 Hi Res joystick adaptor. Clean out both solder pad holes. (3) Solder one end of a 15K resistor into the hole formerly occupied by the brown wire from pin 5 of the cassette plug. This pad will be circled and labelled "5" on the circuit board. Solder the other side of that resistor into the hole labelled "3" that was formerly occupied by the gray wire from pin three of the cassette 5 pin DIN plug. (4) Turn OVER the circuit board, and on the solder side locate the trace that runs from pin 6 of the joystick plug (the white wire) to pin six of the 6 pin socket. You must CUT this trace at some convenient place... it matters not where. (5) Solder a jumper between the pad where the white wire from pin 6 of the joystick plug attaches to the board and the pad formerly occupied by the cassette plug that was labelled "5" (and now occupied by one side of a 15K ohm resistor). (6) You may wish to solder a jumper between the pad for pin 6 of the 6 pin socket on the board and the pad for pin 4 of that same socket. This last jumper allows you to use either button of two button joystick and mouse devices. Colorware puts such a jumper in their Hi Res paks, though for most this jumper is unnecessary. Re-printed with permission from Midnight Remote Data Systems in London Ontario (451-4769) August 1989 MUG Notes Page 9 DOCTOR DUNCE 0 by:EWG (the forum for the fallible amateur) vIv /! This column was conceived as a place for hints and stories for those of us who have not yet gotten so far into computing that we can not remember when we crawled, and how painful those first few steps were! Also, questions that you are too embarrased to ask in public, you can leave for me on the BBS or at a meeting etc., with a Pen Name and I'll attempt to locate the information needed from our experts and address them in the next report. After all, you may not be the only one who made this particular goof. This Month's Story: I'm a glutton for punishment! I should know better! But---I got ahold of an old copy of " Rainbow ", and true to my fate I found some games and utilities which might work, with little or no modification to operate on the CoCo3. By dint of many hours of hunt and peck typing, (you know all about that--right?), I entered and debugged and saved to disk about 45 or 50 grans of material (out of 68). Some of it needed work yet so it was still in temporary storage. The last utility I loaded, was a Basic program designed for embedded printer commands. When I tried later to reload this utility to work on it, the disk directory crashed. I could not even get the material I had used before to come up. All that work gone. What have I to lose.Try one of these Disk zapper utilities I have accumulated. Results: I still don't know what to do or what happened. All of the directory is Okay,this way, the programs are also Okay, but mixed up. Yes program"A" changes to to program"B" in mid operation. Alright you old timers, what did I do, can I fix the disk and recover the material? HELP! MORAL of this story, Hint for the month: When you work with programs especially ML use a separate disk until you know you have gotten the bugs out. That's it for this time. ...... O .... //v gotta go ! ...../! By E.W.G August 1989 MUG Notes Page 10 TECH TIPS by W. Morrison This month I am going to take a breather of sorts. I have been covering various hardware modifications for the computer, and now I feel it is time to step back and cover some of the basics of computer care and maintenance. This time we are going to look at the care and feeding of your CoCo. The CPU itself requires very little in the way of attention. Keep it clean, don't spill any liquids on it, and don't cover the air vent at the top of the machine, as this could cause it to overheat. Other than these few things, the computer itself does not really require any service. If the CoCo were said to have an Achille's heel, it would have to be the way in which the disk drive controller plugs into the side of the machine. This particular design requires more attention from the computer owner than perhaps anything else in the system! If the contacts on both sides of the controller are not cleaned regularly at three to four month intervals, you can count on trouble! Cleaning these contacts is not difficult, you just have to remember to do it (and know how). Take a piece of clean writing paper about two inches by two inches. Fold it in half, and then fold it in half again, along the short side. Now open the second fold and position your disk controller so that the contacts on it that would plug into your machine are located in the fold. Press the paper against both sides of the terminal strip and rub the paper back and forth quite briskly against the contacts. When you are done, notice the dirt on the paper. Continue this procedure until the contacts are nice and shiny. Now remove the disk drive ribbon cable from the other end of the controller and repeat this procedure on that terminal strip as well. When you are done, replace the ribbon cable in the same way that it was removed, taking care not to insert it upside-down. Then replace the controller into the machine. This bit of maintenance cannot be stressed too much. I have seen more problems occur because of this weakness than almost any other cause! The only maintenance that disk drives generally require is a periodic cleaning of the read/write heads. Obtain a good head cleaning disk and follow the instructions that come with it BUT, use it sparingly. Too much use can wear down the read/write heads. I have one, and find that I only need to use it about once a year. When you do use one, don't skimp on the cleaning fluid. As well as cleaning your drive, it also lubricates the head, keeping the cleaning pad from wearing it down. Last , but not least is your printer. Mostly it requires the cleaning out of the sawdust that accumulates in it. Other than that, a little light oil on the bar that the print head slides on and a fresh ribbon are about all that are normally needed. If you follow these few steps in maintaining your system you will find that your computer will continue, over the long run, to give you extremely good and happy service. August 1989 MUG Notes Page 11 TELECOM COMMENTS by W. Morrison Last month I told you about a the Strathroy BBS. I hope that, since then, some of you have given it a try. In the last month one thing has changed on that system. The sysop is now asking for a $10.00 "donation" from all his users. I hope this does not discourage anyone as this is one system that is definitely worth it! The sysop has explained his problem quite well on his board. The costs are steep, especially the toll free line to London and the FidoNet toll charges for the long distance mail transfers, and he can't carry on without some help from his users. He mentioned to me that last month alone, his long distance charge for his FidoNet link was in excess of $50.00! I do feel that this system is worth "donating" ten dollars to, and I intend to keep using it. How about you? This month, we are going to look at another local BBS system, The Information Station. This is one of the older, more established systems in this area. This BBS has been up since 1985 continually and offers its users a great number of features, including the usual multitude of message bases, and file transfer areas. There are several on-line games and contests, and even a "mini-shopping mall". There are fifteen message areas, on every subject from computer software to sports, and most of them usually have quite lively discussions going on. There is even a second phone line for access to the transfer areas. This was done to try and free up the main phone line for more callers, as this is one of the busier boards in London. There is no charge made to use the Information Station, but there is a voluntary collection on going. If you do contribute, the sysop gives you more time on line per day for your money. This is an Apple II based system and the phone number is 455-0187. The system is up twenty four hours per day and supports 300/1200/2400 baud callers. The required settings are the same as most BBS systems at eight bit word length, no parity, and one stop bit. Our own system continues to enjoy a healthy user base, and in the last month or so, I have posted some new uploads, both for RSDOS and OS-9. Worth special mention are two OS-9 files. I have gotten the latest versions of both Osterm and Sled, and they are both available on MUG Line. As more Public Domain software becomes available, I will make sure that I post what I can for your downloading. If you are not currently accessing our BBS, how about considering it? There is much to be gained by being able to access both software and information, without even leaving your computer room! We are now well into the "dog days" of summer. Enjoy what is left of this great season, and I'll look forward to talking to you, both on line and at our September club meeting. August 1989 MUG Notes Page 12 ABOUT BASIC09 by W. Morrison Over the last year or so I have taken the plunge and gotten involved with the Basic09 programming language. I have found it to be quite fascinating, and with the continuing move to OS-9 that is gaining momentum, I felt it time to pass on some of what I have been learning. Let's start by defining Basic09. What exactly is it? It is a programming language, related to other Basic languages, but with added features and power, made possible by the fact that it runs in an OS-9 environment. The Basic that came with your CoCo when you bought it is an enterpreted language. That is, when you run a Basic program, your computer goes and enterprets each instruction independantly, and then does what the instruction told it. If, at a later point in the program, your computer has to execute the same instruction again, it must first re-interpret that instruction. If your machine runs the same instruction fifty times, it must first enterpret that line of code fifty times. As you can see this can be terrribly inefficient and wastefull of your CPU's time. While Basic09 is not a true compiled language, it is close enough for our purposes here. With Basic09, you must run the Basic09 compiler, and enter your program into this compiler. When you are done, you then "pack" the code, which turns it into a pseudo-object code, which does not have to be interpreted, as does the standard Basic. This allows it to run MUCH faster than an enterpreted language. While it is not as fast as assembler, it is certainly fast enough for most uses and users. In fact good commercial software for OS-9 is now being written in Basic09. Bill Brady's WIZ and WIZPRO, Owl Ware's WINDOW WRITER and our own BBS package RIBBS are fine examples of good Basic09 software. Basic09 has what is known as a "run time" compiler. You can execute and debug your software without leaving your compiler, and thus without the nasty time wasting function of compiling, testing, reloading, correcting and re-compiling etc. This makes it very nice to work with as the "feel" is very similar to standard CoCo basic. It is possible to test a bit of code almost immediately upon entering it! There is, however, a drawback to Basic09 as well. In order to run a Basic09 procedure, or program, you MUST have the RUNB module available in your current execution directory. This module is used to finish the decoding of the "packed" code, and without it you will get an error 43, module not found. This means that no matter how small your Basic09 procedure is, it will still require a minimum of 12 K of memory to run in, as this is the size of RUNB. There are other problems to consider as well, but we will wait for future columns to delve into them. For this time, I will leave you with one last good point in Basic09's favour, it comes with your OS-9 Level 2 package at no extra cost. From what I have seen of its power and versatility, that has got to be a bargoon! Next time, we will start to look at this language and actually get involved with its use and write a bit of code. Until then, dust off your Basic09 Manual and have a look at it, and if you have the Basic09 Tour Guide, give it a going over also.